Oriol Bayod (BWT Pool Products): "PISCIMAD 2024 will be a fantastic opportunity to continue promoting our business"

Interview with Oriol Bayod, Business Unit Manager Spain & Portugal for BWT POOL PRODUCTS on their participation in PISCIMAD 2024
Oriol Bayod, Business Unit Manager Spain & Portugal of BWT Pool Products, explains in the following interview how this company puts into practice all their experience in energy efficiency and water consumption technologies in the world of swimming pools. He confirmed that participating in PISCIMAD 2024 "will be a great opportunity to continue promoting our business as a manufacturer and distributor of swimming pool equipment to all those who come to the fair". He is sure that "this event will allow us to reach many more professionals from all over the peninsula and share with them our proposal and raison d'être as a leading company in water technology".
Can you explain the products and services your company offers?
Best Water Technology is a company with more than 30 years’ experience developing the best solutions for water treatment. We currently have 7 R&D centres around the world where we continue to develop innovative solutions for industrial, pharmaceutical and domestic water treatment. Accompanying this, our mission "Change the world Sip by Sip" clearly sets out our intention to make the world more sustainable through the different technologies we put forward.
What energy and water efficiency technologies have you implemented in the swimming pool sector?
BWT entered the world of swimming pools a few years ago in order to be able to apply all its experience in energy and water efficiency technologies to this field. Our engineering services are developing innovative solutions with the aim of becoming a leading manufacturer of sustainable swimming pools, as defined by our brand "Best Water Technology".
We have a highly skilled innovation team who are experts in water technology at our headquarters in Mondsee (Austria) that coordinates and synergistically manages our local R&D teams. In a short time we have made great strides in filter technologies and there are even ongoing projects on the future of sustainable pool chemistry. These synergies within the Group along with "out of the box" reflections on the swimming pool of the future mean we approach our work with enthusiasm every day.
Our investments and new products are focused on the responsible use of water and energy. Improved inverter technologies in heat pumps, state-of-the-art automatic covers, cartridge filters, variable speed pumps, automation and connected control panels that monitor energy use while optimising the best water treatment and even pool cleaners designed to ensure responsible energy and water consumption.
Within the development of water technology applied to swimming pools, there are undoubtedly many synergies with our "Water" division equipment, but the best is yet to come.....
How do you seek to optimise water consumption and use water responsibly?
Nowadays, optimising water consumption and using it responsibly is a priority. This awareness of the planet is also important for a manufacturer like BWT, which bases the development of new products on these concepts.
Today we clearly see professional clients and end customers who are much more aware of optimal water consumption as well as more energy-efficient equipment. The repairability of equipment is also becoming an increasingly important issue when choosing a pool product, whether for new builds or renovations. This is excellent news for the planet and for BWT.
What does participation in PISCIMAD 2024 mean for your company?
For BWT Pool Products, participating in this edition of PISCIMAD is a great opportunity to see our customers, partners and friends, as well as to continue promoting our business as a manufacturer and distributor of pool equipment to all those who come to the fair. We know that this event will allow us to reach many more professionals from all over the peninsula and we are excited to share with all of them our proposal and our raison d'être as a leading company in water technology.
It is the perfect time to take stock of the season that is coming to an end and to lay the new foundations for a successful 2025 season. BWT continues its commitment to the world of swimming pools with its BWT Pool Products division.
BWT video: https://we.tl/t-bncfjoPc8f