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+103 K
Trade visitors
70 K m2
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Fruit Attraction reaffirmed as the key tool for global fruit and vegetable marketing

Fruit Attraction 2023 has exceeded all expectations by bringing together 2,000 exhibitors, marking an outstanding 10% increase in both national and international participation. With the presence of 56 countries, the event has established itself as the global epicentre of fruit and vegetables, making Madrid the world capital of the sector.

In this edition, the exhibition site was extended to 64,000 net square metres of fruit and vegetables distributed in 9 halls, with Andalusia as the Guest Region, showing the diversity and quality of fruit and vegetable production.  On 5th October, on its 15th Anniversary, we had the pleasure of closing with the best participation figures of its entire history. A total of 103,868 professionals from 145 countries, 8 more than last year, which means an increase of 16%.

Fruit Attraction stands out as a platform for promotion and international expansion, thanks to the collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and ICEX. This initiative attracted 700 buyers, and the participation of Brazil, the United States and Canada added a new and exciting chapter to the overall success of the event.

This is what Fruit Attraction 2023 was like!
This is what Fruit Attraction 2023 was like!

Knowledge and innovation centre for the sector

People strolling through the fair

Innovation Hub

Within the framework of innovation, Fruit Attraction received a new and successful edition in the Innovation Hub space with the exhibition of a total of 54 products and services. This area of the fair also held its coveted Innovation Hub Awards, with the award in the Fresh Produce category going to the company xEXPRIMIR, the F&V Industry Award to FMC SOLUCIÓN AGRÍCOLA and Actions and Commitment to Sustainability to CAPEC.

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Biofruit Congress

Biofruit Congress, 6th international congress on organic demand and sustainable supply

Biofruit Congress, organised by Eurofresh and Fruit Attraction, held its sixth edition 2023, after the success of its previous editions, and was the place where European retail buyers together with international institutions discussed the best strategies to boost the organic market phenomenon worldwide.

Lettuce attraction

Fresh&Star: this year's star product, lettuce.

In this edition of Fruit Attraction, outstanding initiatives were carried out at Lettuce Attraction, organised by Proexport to promote and appreciate the star product of this edition, lettuce and its many facets. Discovering different irrigation techniques, probes and sensors used, a multitude of varieties, among others.

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Fresh Food Logistics Summit

IV Fresh Food Logistics the Summit

In this edition of the IV Fresh Food Logistics the Summit, the focus was on innovative cold logistics in the consumer and food sector. The event, organised by ALIMARKET and Fruit Attraction, focused on how the industry is adapting to the new demand and playing conditions through cutting-edge cold logistics practices. This congress provided an excellent opportunity to share ideas and experiences around a crucial activity for society.

Grape attraction

Grape Attraction, the Great International Seedless Grape Congress

At Fruit Attraction we brought together the most important players in the world of grapes to talk about how to increase the consumption of seedless grapes in all aspects.

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Presentation at Factoría Chef

Chef Factory

The space at Fruit Attraction was aimed at disseminating innovation and gastronomic interpretation of fruit and vegetable products. It showcased the culinary opportunities and gastronomic innovation, quality, variety and versatility of the products.


Fruit TV

During the three days of Fruit Attraction 2023 we interviewed leading professionals from the fruit and vegetable sector such as Begoña Jiménez from Fepex.

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Gallery 2023