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18 septiembre 2024

Betim Budzaku (Andorra Turisme): “FITUR es un escaparate para presentar nuestras novedades a los profesionales y al público”

Tiempo de lectura
4 min.
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Betim Budzaku, CEO at Andorra Tourism, explains in the following interview that Andorra has been committed for many years to the deseasonalisation of tourism and highlighting its great year-round offer. In 2023 it achieved a record number of visitors, reaching 9.5 million, of which 60% came from Spain, and 40% from France and 40 other countries. On the other hand, Budzaku says that "FITUR is an unmissable date in our communication calendar, as it is the most important trade fair in the sector". He adds that it is "a showcase to present our offer and new products to professionals and the general public".

What actions has Andorra implemented to diversify and become an all year-round tourist destination?

For many years, Andorra has been committed to deseasonlising tourism and to highlighting the great offer that exists in the country 365 days a year. In order to achieve this, a specific line of communication was launched, focused on publicising the lesser-known activities that can be carried out in the country, beyond the well-known skiing and shopping: cycle tourism, wellness, culture, gastronomy... Events are scheduled throughout the year that are very well received by the general public. To name but a few, the presence every July of the company Cirque du Soleil (which presents a unique show for Andorra every year), the high mountain gastronomy event Andorra Taste (which takes place in September) and the festival Classicand festival of classical music, dance and performing arts, among many other events.

To get an idea of how the paradigm has shifted in the last decade, you only need to look at the increase in overnight stays in this period: in the summer of 2013 it was two million and in the summer of 2023 we had more than four million visitors, so we have managed to double it in just ten years.

How important is shopping, gastronomy and cultural tourism in the Principality right now?

As I said, Andorra is much more than a winter destination. The shopping culture goes back many decades, but where once the country was seen as a commodity destination, it is now perceived as a destination where shopping is an experience: visitors can shop in more than a thousand shops of all kinds, especially in the major shopping hub The Shopping Mile, in the heart of the country. A few months ago, Andorra Tourism promoted the creation of the Shop in Andorra - Shopping Experts brand, which aims to highlight the shopping experience that can be enjoyed in Andorra.

Gastronomy and culture are precisely two of the areas on which we have focused our communication in recent years, with events such as Andorra Taste, which this year takes place from 18 to 22 September and brings together the country’s best international chefs, and also has a popular part in which the public can sample high-mountain gastronomy; Andorra Mountain Music or Classicand. Museums also play fundamental role in the cultural offer, as we are the second country in the world (only after the Vatican) with the most museums per square metre.

What new proposals will you be implementing in sports and well-being?

In sport, for years we have positioned ourselves as a destination capable of hosting the best competitions in the world. In skiing, our leading sport par excellence, Grandvalira Resorts has been hosting the World and European Alpine Skiing Cups every year for years. In summer, Pal Arinsal has also become the official venue for the MTB World Cup, as Andorra is considered an ideal place for cycling tourism, and this is endorsed by the ever-increasing numbers of tourists who come to enjoy this sport.

The initiative Andorra Health Destination, with more than 20 members and around fifty proposals, brings together companies in the country that offer a health and wellness experience to consumers who are concerned about taking care of their body and mind. In addition to Andorra's magnificent healthy environment, we can offer first class professionals and experiences to enjoy our country even more.

What is the registered tourism flow between Spain and Andorra each year?

Last year we welcomed our record number of visitors, reaching 9.5 million. Of this figure, 60% comes from Spain. The remaining 40% are divided between France, our other neighbour, and up to 40 other countries. More and more tourists are visiting us from far-off destinations such as Central Europe, North America or South America.

How does your participation in FITUR each year contribute to boosting tourism in Andorra?

FITUR is an unmissable date on our communication calendar, as it is the industry’s most important trade fair. For us it has a double function: as a diplomatic link between our embassy and the rest of the delegations present, and as a showcase to present our offer and innovations to trade visitors and the general public that visit.