
If you are interested in boosting your brand and want to promote yourself on our digital channel, contact us. A team of specialists will attend to your needs.

Outdoor advertising of the venue


Highlight the prominence of your brand, products and services at the fair thanks to our digital media, giving them the greatest possible visibility for the event's public.

Find the notoriety and exclusivity that your company needs, boost the recognition and prestige of your brand or make the whole sector aware of your new product or service through our digital media.

Before Various devices

Before the event

Million unique users interact on our websites to organize and prepare their attendance at the fair.

We offer you different digital advertising formats to impress your audience. Choose the one that best suits your goals.

Digital advertising

Advertising during the event During the event

During the event

Make your brand and products stand out. Reach your target in a conference and business environment.

Advertising after the event After

After the event

The fair isn't over when its doors close. The entire community of professionals share experiences, content and news on social media.

Digital advertising