TRAFIC 2019 will focus on road safety

From 8 to 11 October 2019, at Feria de Madrid The Fair will host the Second CIPSEVI Congress and the third National Convention on Road Safety for Local Police Forces
Road safety is once again the star of the 16th edition of TRAFIC 2019, the international Fair about managing the new, safe, sustainable mobility, organised by IFEMA, from 8th to 11th October at Feria de Madrid, not only in the trade exhibition, but also in the busy programme of parallel technical workshops programmed during the event. Specifically, the event will host CIPSEVI 2019, the Second International Congress of Professionals for Road Safety and Education, and the Third National Convention on Road Safety for Local Police Forces which will include the award ceremony of the seventh edition of its Awards.
This will be the first time that the International Congress of Professionals for Road Safety and Education, CIPSEVI 2019, which is now at its second edition, will be held within the framework of TRAFIC, on 8th and 9th October 2019. It is organised by AIPSEV - ONGD, International Association of Road Safety Professionals, and its theme will be the reality that traffic accidents cause the deaths of more than 1.35 million people worldwide and that, in March 2010, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011 - 2020) and encouraged member states to take action on road safety. AIPSEV endorses the UN’s Sustainable Development goal of halving the number of road traffic deaths and injuries worldwide by 2020.
To this end, the CIPSEVI Congress will pay special attention to the prevention of traffic accidents by changing human behaviour – through education and training – as the main cause of accidents, and will seek to contribute to international collaboration to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, especially in aspects related to road safety. In this task, the AIPSEV Association, organiser of the event, is supported by its partner, ASCASI, Association of Andalusian Outpatient Clinics.
The Congress will be opened on 8th October - starting at 10:00 - by TRAFIC Director, David Moneo. The inaugural lecture will be given by the Deputy Director-General of the National Traffic Department (Ministry of the Interior), María Lidón Lozano, about “Safe and Sustainable Mobility Management.” The Congress will then address current issues in Road Safety and Education over two days, in morning and afternoon sessions.
On 8 October the Congress themes will cover Road Safety and the SDGs, Road Safety Education for Safe and Sustainable Mobility, Tools for Prevention (in workshops), New Challenges for Safe and Sustainable Mobility, and Responses after Road Crashes.
On the 9th, the Congress session (only in the morning, to keep the afternoon free for visiting the Fair) will focus on Professional Commitment to Road Safety, Training, Education and Road Safety, and The Global Challenge of Road Accidents.
View the Programme at:
The other major event to be held at TRAFIC 2019 will be the Third National Convention on Road Safety for Local Police Forces on 10th October, after which the Seventh National Road Safety Awards for Local Police will be presented. The National Union of Local Police Chiefs and Directors, UNIJEPOL, will organise both these activities.
The event will be opened by the Director-General of Spain’s National Traffic Department, Pere Navarro, and Carlos Daniel Casares, Secretary-General of the FEMP (National Federation of Municipalities and Provinces). Following this, the national President of UNIJEPOL, Pascual Martínez Cuesta, and Luis Montoro, President of FESVIAL, the Foundation for Road Safety, among other authorities, will sign the constitution of the Spanish Road Safety Network. This will be followed by a panel table discussion on “Personal Mobility Vehicles in Urban Areas.”
At the close of the event, the National Road Safety Awards for Local Police Forces will be presented, now in its seventh edition.
Access the updated programme for the Convention: