TECMA 2024 confirms support from the main urban planning and environmental associations: ANEPMA, ASEJA and AEPJP

From 18 to 20 June 2024, at IFEMA MADRID
The 21st International Urban Planning and Environment Trade Fair, TECMA 2024, renews the support of the sector's main associations. This is the caseof ANEPMA, National Association of Public Environmental Companies; ASEJA, Association of Green Infrastructure Management Companies,, and AEPJP, Spanish Association of Public Parks and Gardens. TECMA will be held from 18 to 20 June, organised by IFEMA MADRID, within the framework of the 5TH FORUM OF SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES, (FSMS), which also integrates the International Recovery and Recycling Trade Fair (SRR), and the MADRID CITIES FORUM.
ANEPMA, which will have a stand at the fair, will organise a wide range of activities, including EsFORMAN, your School of Training and Knowledge, which will be promoted through several courses and workshops, and the meetings of its study committees, its board of trustees and the ANEPMA Awards Jury.
ANEPMA will also have an important presence in the FORO DE LAS CIUDADES DE MADRID, at which several representatives of the association and its associated companies will take part in the different conferences and round tables organised in the field of the circular economy.
ANEPMA, a state-wide organisation, currently brings together 52 publicly-owned companies (municipal, provincial or autonomous), which provide services to more than 12 million citizens - representing more than 20% of the Spanish population - belonging to 14 autonomous communities, covering more than 1,280 municipalities. It also has a national market share of 20-22% in the provision of services related to municipal waste management. ANEPMA's member companies have a workforce of 12,000 employees, with an annual turnover of more than € 1,200 million.
For its part, ASEJA, the Association of Green Infrastructure Management Companies, was created with the aim of collaborating with public and private companies and organisations responsible for the promotion and improvement of parks and gardens in Spanish municipalities. As specialists in the sector, ASEJA intends to contribute its opinions and viewpoints so that, among all of us, the most rational and efficient criteria can be adopted when creating, managing and maintaining green infrastructure.
Member of the Board of Directors of CEOE, ASEJA has been collaborating non-stop with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), whose joint work has resulted in numerous reference documents for the entire green infrastructure sector in our country, such as the Guide of Recommendations for the Contracting of Conservation and Maintenance Services for Green Infrastructure, the Economic Study for the Tendering of Conservation and Maintenance Services for Green Infrastructure, and the recent Guide for Service Contracts with Investment in Green Infrastructure Management.
ASEJA seeks to create a forum of opinions among professionals and companies linked to the implementation and conservation of green infrastructure, as well as to promote the importance and use of green spaces in the urban environment, which is why it considers it extremely important to collaborate in the organisation of a trade fair such as TECMA, which is a benchmark for the sector.
Finally, it also renews its support to TECMA AEPJP, the organisation that represents the green infrastructure sector in Spain from a broad perspective. Its members include entities of different types such as town councils, universities, companies in the sector in different fields (landscape architecture consultancies, maintenance, innovation, machinery and vehicles, ornamental nurseries, urban furniture and public facilities, biodiversity and biological control, etc.), as well as a large number of people from different backgrounds and training (engineering, architecture, landscaping, biology, environment, gardening, etc.), in other words, all the agents involved and the sector branches that converge in the design, execution, management and research of the various elements that can form part of green infrastructure, especially urban and peri-urban.
The AEPJP offers contemporary ideas and designs adapted to our country's needs in this field. Its objective is to change the vision and management of urban green spaces, to achieve the conceptual philosophy of green infrastructure and to make society aware of its real importance, especially in built environments. In short, to help build a better future for society.
Further information: https://www.ifema.es/tecma