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08 May 2024

TECMA 2024 confirms the support of the associations ATEGRUS, ASELIP and AFAMOUR

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From 18 to 20 June 2024, at IFEMA MADRID

The 21st International Urban Planning and Environment Trade Fair, TECMA 2024, renews the support of the sector's main associations. This is the case of AFAMOUR, the Spanish Association of Playground and Street Furniture Manufacturers; ATEGRUS, the only Spanish association covering all waste management systems, urban cleaning and the environment; and ASELIP, the Association of Public Cleaning Companies. TECMA will be held from 18 to 20 June, organised by IFEMA MADRID, within the framework of the 5TH FORUM OF SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES, (FSMS), which also includes the International Recovery and Recycling Trade Fair (SRR), and the MADRID CITIES FORUM.

The Spanish Association of Street Furniture and Playground Manufacturers, AFAMOUR, will be present at TECMA 2024. Its members, mainly manufacturers of street furniture and children's playgrounds, will have their own showroom in which to highlight their commitment to innovation on technical, economic and social levels with the aim of improving the quality of these services, thus revealing their great knowledge of the environment and anticipating trends.

ATEGRUS®, National Member of ISWA, will present the awards of the 19th edition of the Silver®, Gold® and Platinum® Escobas Competition 2024. The competition is aimed at municipalities, provincial councils, associations of municipalities, service providers, engineering companies, consultancies, manufacturers of capital goods, waste management and urban cleaning facilities, universities, technology and training centres, etc.

The competition is an attempt to value those actions carried out to improve our environment and to promote sustainability, rewarding efforts aimed at stimulating technological and awareness-raising advances that serve to improve our quality of life and protect the environment.

For more information: observatorio@ategrus.orgor by ringing 94 464 19 90

ASELIP brings together the main operators in the municipal waste management sector. The majority of its member companies act as contractors for the public administrations that own the waste. In addition, they have their own facilities for the management of commercial and industrial waste, both hazardous and non-hazardous. Some of them provide their services in other countries that are leaders in material and energy recovery, for which they have built and operate technically complex and investment-intensive facilities. In short, its activity covers public street cleaning, sewerage, the different forms of collection, transport, transfer, treatment using different processes and technologies, recovery of recovered fractions and, finally, disposal of rejects.

At present, its member companies employ more than 115,000 people on a permanent basis, have an annual turnover of some 4,000 million euros, and provide their services to more than 6,200 local, provincial and regional councils and bodies, serving a population of around 39 million inhabitants, which represents approximately 80% of the Spanish population.

ASELIP views a trade fair with the characteristics of TECMA, a benchmark for this industry, as a great inspiration and opportunity for the urban sanitation, circular economy and treatment sector.


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