Javier Pérez (FIMPA): Manufacturers of automation systems must adapt their access systems to the new trends

Javier Pérez, president of the executive committee of the Federación Nacional de Fabricantes, Instaladores, y Mantenedores de Puertas y Automatismos - FIMPA (National Federation of Manufacturers, Installers, and Maintainers of Doors and Automations), highlights in the following interview that the automation sector must continue working on making security elements more accessible and adapting access systems to new market trends. He adds that the sector must continue to work towards its professionalization in order to respond with increasing efficiency to market needs.
How important are automation systems in the automatic door sector?
Automations play a very important role. By definition, automatic doors are equipped with automations and these have a very important weight in the value of the product. These are becoming increasingly important due to the adaptation of these automatic doors to the regulations in force, where the safety elements they incorporate bring the value of the automatic part very close to that of the mechanical part.
What are the major challenges for automation manufacturers today?
Continuing our work on making safety elements more accessible and adapting access systems to new market trends, where the end consumer is becoming increasingly
well-informed and knowledgeable. At the same time, continue to work towards the professionalization the sector, so that it can respond with increasing efficiency to market needs.
What new trends are emerging in this area?
Fundamentally, remote management of the automatic door, both for end-user control of the door, including operation by voice assistants, and for programming and maintenance work by the installer.
What other challenges does the automation sector face?
The automation sector has significant challenges ahead, such as training installers in new trends, as well as in the adaptation of installations to the directives that apply to them, and also involving the different actors of the administration and security in the surveillance of the market.
We must not forget the contribution to energy saving, with the incorporation of low consumption automations at rest and the use of automatic pedestrian doors that improve thermal and acoustic insulation.