Automatic door professionals consider when to assume a manufacturing role.

CEportal recently hosted a conference to review the changes introduced in the latest report from the Ministry of Industry, with a particular focus on the actions carried out on existing doors that represent a significant modification. One of the key challenges highlighted by professionals in the sector is the difficulty of distinguishing between the roles of manufacturer and installer, and the subsequent responsibility of issuing the CE marking for doors. CEportal will be participating in SMART DOORS 2024, which forms part of the Semana Internacional de la Construcción. This will be held alongside CONSTRUTEC, VETECO and PISCIMAD.
CEportal recently held a training session for professionals in the commercial, industrial and garage door sector. The session analysed the current situation about inspection campaigns being carried out by the public administration, which is asking installers to provide a list of the doors introduced on the market in the last two years.
Furthermore, the event reviewed the changes introduced in the latest report of the Ministry for Industry, published in February 2024, with particular focus on the actions carried out on existing doors that involve a substantial modification and therefore require a new CE marking. The CEportal team has identified a key challenge among professionals in the sector: the difficulty of distinguishing between the roles of manufacturer and issuer of the CE marking for doors.
Assumption of Responsibility
In conclusion, three assumptions were made regarding the manufacturer's responsibility for the door: “when the door is manufactured; when a manual door is purchased from one supplier, and the motor and safety components from another, and implemented as an assembly; and when a substantial modification is made to an existing door.”
The day also addressed the tests that are required and who should carry them out, depending on whether it is a new or existing door. It also covered the documentation that should be provided in each case, what should be kept and for how long, and what documentation may be required by an industry inspection.