Smart opening system by Nayar Systems

Nayar Systems has created Nearkey, a new high-security opening system for electric doors using a smartphone’s bluetooth technology. The new development, which can be seen at SMART DOORS 2020, joins the multiple solutions offered by the elevation and industrial IoT sectors.
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Nearkey is an opening system for electric doors using a smartphone, without the need for a wifi or 3G connection, and without voiding other opening systems. Created at Nayar Systems Garaje, the company’s innovation department, this system allows for user and group management on the cloud, guaranteeing maximum security for premises.
Security is the main value that the company attributes to the system, by generating passwords with elliptic curve algorithms, as well as unique and non-transferable access keys.
Nearkey is easy and convenient to use, as it allows opening all doors from the same application, without the need for physical keys or remotes. Users also have full control of access, seeing who goes in and out of the premises, managing permission from the cloud and enabling them immediately. The fact that it has the power to restrict times and to grant temporary access makes Nearkey a smart tool that provides added value for users.
Nayar Systems offers Nearkey to guarantee maximum security in public areas, offices, lifts, communal areas or private homes, among other areas of application.
Further information at www.nayarsystems.com