New Gate expects to experience growth as a result of its presence at the show

New Gate is very satisfied with the results of its presence at the show. "We had very precise quality visits from the sector that concerns us (technology), and for us it has been a worthwhile Smart Doors because of the growth we expect as a result of the show", the company's Sales Department points out. "We held very interesting meetings with wholesalers in the sector and locksmith manufacturers; some 250 people came to the booth, 35% of whom showed a genuine interest, enough to grow moderately in all regions of Spain and in Portugal".
At Smart Doors 2022, New Gate, S.L. presented its CloudFort app, for remote opening with high-security encryption, both for garages and for the home; push buttons for lights, pulses for opening all types of doors, electronic control panels with CloudFort WiFi incorporated, sensors, etc. The company's Sales Department says that it is very satisfied with the results of its participation in the show. "We had very precise quality visits from the sector that concerns us (technology); and for us it has been a worthwhile Smart Doors because of the growth we expect as a result of the show".
The people that visited New Gate's booth came from various countries and were interested in incorporating technology into their companies, and therefore "we see the automatic door sector to be advanced enough to sell control apps made in Spain, in competition with the Asian market".
New Gate's managers say that they held "very interesting" meetings with wholesalers in the sector and locksmith manufacturers. "Approximately 250 people - potential customers - visited our booth, 35% of whom were genuinely interested in our product, enough for us to grow moderately in all regions of Spain and in Portugal". In addition, the company received visitors from Romania, Bali, Iran, Greece, Morocco and France, who enquired about its CloudFort WiFi solution.