Javier Pérez (FIMPA): “conducting the right periodic maintenance of automatic doors is fundamental”

Performing the right periodic maintenance of automatic doors is fundamental, as it’s the only way to prevent accidents, reduce breakdowns and maintain manufacturer’s guarantees, according to Javier Pérez, chairman of the National Federation of Manufacturers, Installers and Maintenance (FIMPA).
The Chairman of the FIMPA, Javier Pérez, warns that in many cases, it must be taken into account that external factors such as sun, cold or extreme heat can interfere with the correct functioning. That’s why “good maintenance extends the useful life of doors, as it allows us to detect any functioning problem and to reduce accidents”.
Automatic doors are machines and, as such, rely on completely different systems depending on the brand and model, which is why maintenance should only every be carried out by qualified professionals, who work rigorously and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Pérez also states his conviction that “it’s a positive that maintenance companies are becoming increasingly important in the sector because, like I’ve said, good maintenance is key to preventing accidents and irreversible damage to automatic doors. Again, however, I insist on the importance of ensuring professionals perform this work.