More and More Inspections into Door Impact Force Limitation

In recent months CEportal has received numerous enquiries regarding impact force limitation and anti-crushing on the main closing edge and secondary edges of automatic doors. The competent authorities are carrying out inspections at the measuring points provided for in the regulations and checking to ensure the maximum values are not exceeded by using specific measuring equipment (dynamometers).
In recent months CEportal has received numerous enquiries regarding impact force limitation and anti-crushing on the main closing edge and secondary edges of automatic doors. Manufacturers and installers must ensure that this standard requirement (force limitation) is met before an automatic door is made available to users. Furthermore, these conditions must be maintained for the lifetime of the automatic door.
In order to meet these requirements, choosing the necessary components (motor, electrical panel, sensitive belt, etc.) and doing measurements to check their efficiency are fundamental.
CEportal indicates that the competent authorities are carrying out inspections at the measuring points provided for in the regulations and checking to ensure the maximum values are not exceeded by using specific measuring equipment (dynamometers).
In order to clarify all aspects related to force limitation on automatic doors, CEportal is holding a training day on 20th April.