DOM MCM Becomes the Leader in Locks

The new company born from the merger of Metalúrgica Cerrajera de Mondragón (MCM) and UCEM Sistemas de Seguridad is up to the challenge of controlling all kinds of access with its range of products. It protects home security, and the management and control of the premises of hotels, businesses, offices and universities, explains Santiago Rodríguez, Managing Director of DOM MCM.
DOM MCM has become the ‘giant’ in the locks business, following the merger of two long-established companies: Metalúrgica Cerrajera de Mondragón (MCM) and UCEM Sistemas de Seguridad. These two Basque firms, pioneers in the sector with almost two hundred years of experience between them, are joining forces thanks to DOM SECURITY GROUP, one of the world’s three biggest groups specialising in mechanical and electronic security systems.
DOM MCM is, by turnover, Spain second largest company in its market. Based in Vitoria-Gasteiz, with premises of 55 thousand square metres, it has a staff of more than 100 people. “The new company was born true to the Group’s vision: we believe that all people and valuable objects deserve to be kept safe, without exception, and we have a comprehensive product range to ensure that,” explains Santiago Rodriguez, DOM MCM’s Managing Director.
The group’s most valuable assets are its brands: TELESCO specialises in door closers and panic devices; UCEM specialises in mechanical locks; MCM specialises in mechanical locks and access controls for the hotel market; DOM specialises in high-security mechanical systems and access controls. “Whatever your access control challenge, we have the product to do it, from the simplest access door to the most complex installation.”