Castile-La Mancha highlights the surveillance of the automatic doors market

The Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha highlights its campaigns for surveillance of the automatic industrial, commercial and garage doors market. Those campaigns are being carried out in that region based on that set forth in article 14 of Law 21/1992, of 16 July, in relation to industry. In addition, the Regional Government adds that the competent public agencies may verify the fulfilment of the safety provisions and requirements at the request of any interested party in cases of significant risk to people, animals, goods or the environment.
These are very difficult times for the industrial sector of Castile-La Mancha, due to the international political instability, which is having a direct impact on factors such as production costs. Nonetheless, it is managing to maintain high levels of production and turnover, according to the information provided by the Regional Government.
In the month of May, the industrial sector in that region posted year-on-year growth in turnover of 35.8%, the fourth highest figure in the country, while the Industrial Production Index in the month of April also placed Castile-La Mancha in fourth position in terms of performance, with a y-o-y increase of 6.6%.
In that context, the criteria used in Castile-La Mancha for the control and surveillance of the market are those established by regulations, specifically article 18 of Regulation (EC) no. 765/2008/UE. That article stipulates that “Member States shall establish, implement and periodically update their market surveillance programmes. Member States shall draw up either a general market surveillance programme or sector specific programmes, covering the sectors in which they conduct market surveillance, communicate those programmes to the other Member States and the Commission and make them available to the public by way of electronic communication and, where appropriate, by other means …".
In addition, "Member States shall periodically review and assess the functioning of their surveillance activities. Such reviews and assessments shall be carried out at least every fourth year and the results thereof shall be communicated to the other Member States and the Commission and be made available to the public by way of electronic communication and, where appropriate, by other means".
National Campaigns
In relation to the above, the Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha indicates that national campaigns are being carried out for the surveillance of the automatic industrial, commercial and garage doors market, based on that set forth in article 14 of Law 21/1992, of 16 July, in relation to industry. and the competent public agencies may verify the fulfilment of the safety provisions and requirements at the request of any interested party in cases of significant risk to people, animals, goods or the environment.
Always without prejudice to the inspection and control actions undertaken by the competent autonomous communities within their respective territories, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism may promote, in collaboration with the respective autonomous communities, national verification plans and campaigns by means of sampling, with regard to the safety conditions of industrial products, and the execution of those plans and campaigns shall correspond to the Administration with competence in the sphere of industry within their respective territories.
Importance of the CE marking
Within the framework of Directive 89/106/EC, on construction products, the CE marking of those doors was established in Communication 2004/C67/05 of the European Commission (OJEU 16.7.2004), transposed into our internal law by means of a Resolution of 23 June 2004 (Official State Gazette of 16.7.2004).
Therefore, the CE marking must be done in accordance with that indicated in Appendix ZA of UNE-EN Regulation 13241-1:2004, and its obligatory entry into effect was established for the 1st of May 2005.
In addition, the Regional Government indicates that motorised doors are also required to comply with the Machines Directive and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive, as set forth in Appendices ZB and ZC of the aforementioned Regulation, as well as the Low Voltage Directive, and therefore the presence of the CE mark would also indicate fulfilment of those other Directives. The relevant body is the Energy Transition Department.