Doors Reinforce Security in Response to High Burglary Numbers

The number of criminal offences for burglary of homes, businesses and other premises in Spain totalled 120,676 in 2022, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior. This is a problem that door manufacturers are trying to alleviate by strengthening burglar-resistant features, as explained by Marcos Francolí, Area Manager for Spain and Portugal at Gilgen Door Systems AG.
According to the Ministry of the Interior, the total number of criminal offences registered last year in Spain was 2,325,358 with 1,949,852 (83.9%) of those categorised as conventional crime. Among these, burglaries in homes, businesses and other premises in Spain totalled 120,676 offences. In this context, Marcos Francolí, Area Manager for Spain and Portugal at Gilgen Door Systems AG, says, “Increasing controls and surveillance to protect people’s assets is necessary." Furthermore, to this end, he adds that "factors such as having good doors, specifically designed to make the work of thieves more difficult, help a lot”.
Francolí points out that "there is a European reference on the market for the evaluation of the performance of burglar-resistant joinery, namely the set of standards EN 1627-1630". He explains, “These standards provide a classification system consisting of six categories (from 1 to 6 in increasing order of burglary resistance) and describe the test methods used to assess the resistance of these elements to static and dynamic pressure, as well as to manual burglary attempts. Standard EN 1627 describes the test conditions and resistance classes.”
“At present, the highest level of automatic pedestrian doors on the market is the RC3 level, and we are the only company with this model," adds the Gilgen Door Systems AG manager. “In addition, we have a specific door for fire resistance, the SL Guard FB4-RC3.”