Maintenance generates new business

Good maintenance services entail recurring income for automatic door companies, which helps towards their financial stability, but could also generate new jobs and benefits that will help increase turnover. Experts from Integra Ingeniería and New Gate explain what these benefits are.
Maintenance of automatic doors (whether in commercial, industrial establishments or in garages) is an essential service, but it can also be a very efficient formula to boost business for industry companies, generating additional and complementary jobs.
Carlos Márquez, Technical Director of Integra Ingeniería (CEportal Coordinator), explains that “door maintenance services are a recurring turnover for companies throughout the year, that helps boost financial stability and to consolidate technical staff”. He also adds that, “thanks to preventive maintenance (scheduled) other additional work usually comes in”. What are these jobs? Basically, “replacement of components, motorising, installation of security devices to meet regulations and, even, full replacement of the door”.
“It is very important for companies to be able to transmit to clients, based on technical documents published by the Ministry and current regulations, that it is mandatory to perform maintenance on the doors and it is their responsibility if there is an accident or an inspection by public authorities”, advises Márquez, who is also a member of the Technical Committee for the Standard CTN 85 AENOR, Technical-Regulations Consultant with AFIPA and member of the Technical Committee of FIMPA. “It is also important to highlight that door warranties are conditioned to performing maintenance with the regularity established by the manufacturer”.
Competing on quality
In addition to generating new business, maintenance increases the quality of the comprehensive service provided by automatic door industry companies. This quality is much appreciated by purchasers and it may be a competitive advantage on the market. Antolín García, General Director of New Gate, believes that now more than ever maintenance should be promoted “because the price competition was lost a long time ago”. In his opinion, “globalisation, with the Chinese culture of working non-stop, at least until their wages are similar to ours, makes us have to provide services that are certified in Europe, for people's safety”.
He points out that “certified qualities and approved certificates, both regarding products and doors, must continue to increase”. He is convinced that “our technologies, with the European DPR, regulations on doors, certification, well-defined quality, should make a difference that will keep us on the right path”.