The market promotes automatic door durability

More professional installations, proper maintenance and better-quality accessories are the main factors involved in automatic doors having a longer useful life in Spain. Industry companies base their competitiveness increasingly less on price and more on innovation.
An installation with “guidelines based on experience and quality labour” are key requirements to increase the durability and active life of automatic doors, as pointed out by Antolín García Hernández, General Director of New Gate. We must add to this “guarantee and reliability of the accessories, such as photocells, radars and sensors, as well as subsequent maintenance by brand professionals”. On the other hand, “certified products and compliance with the standards UNE-EN 16005 and 13241.1 guarantee safety, avoiding risks for people”.
García Hernández says, “alternative products based on price competition are used increasingly less, as it would devalue us and place us at very low ethical and aesthetic levels”. He adds that “regulations and associations must ensure that brands raise their quality levels”.
Maintenance guidelines
In order for a door to last, it must work properly, as pointed out by A. Ignacio Criado de Reyna, Commercial Director with Kallan Doors, who highlights several requirements. Firstly, “both the door and its accessories must be clean so that they can operate softly and quietly. This includes turning points, hinges, bearings, locks, etc.” And all of these elements must be “properly lubricated, but not excessively, and with a product that follows the manufacturer's recommendations”.
Preventive maintenance is another essential element, because it allows us “to change the worn elements, lubricate the door, re-tense springs, adjust the motor or perform other necessary actions at the right time”. If we also avoid overusing them, for example, avoiding using the garage as pedestrian access, automatic doors will last even longer.