Adrián Arriazu: “we are pioneers in the manufacture of composite doors for industry".

Adrián Arriazu, manager of Arriazu Puertas y Automatismos, states that his company is a pioneer in the manufacture of doors for industry with composite material. He explains that with Flexipan, the only flexible, impact-resistant and corrosion-resistant panel, they have turned the market around. The company plans to invest around 1.2 million euros in this project over the next few years.
Arriazu explains that the history of automatic doors in Spain dates back to the eighties and highlights the great novelty of sectional doors in the early nineties, coming from the United States. “In the Simpsons, Homer already drove his car into the garage through such a door".
In our country, sectional doors began to be introduced “The main reasons for this were the insulation and watertightness of the hermetic seal and the advantages of the vertical opening, without the need to fold them outwards or inwards". Gradually, this type of door "was also increasingly introduced in the residential sector, with panels in different finishes".
Arriazu states that "with Flexipan we have given a twist to the materials with which this type of door is made". Until now, "the aluminium and polyurethane panels previously used had several problems; on the one hand, the risk of dampness and corrosion, especially in places with a salty environment; and on the other hand, the consequences, especially in industry, of any small blow with a forklift, which could cause deformations in the panel".
According to the manager of Arriazu Puertas y Automatismos, Flexipan is the only flexible, shockproof and anti-corrosion panel on the market, made of composite. "It is the first time in the world that a door for industry has been made from this material. To carry out the Flexipan project, the company expects to invest approximately 1.2 million euros in six years.