New enclosure safety regulations unveiled by AEPA

AEPA has adopted the new CTN 85 standard. This standard guarantees quality and safety in building enclosures. UNE-EN 17352:2023 focuses on motorised pedestrian access control equipment. It establishes requirements and test methods for a range of equipment, from turnstiles to swing and retractable gates. UNE-EN 17610:2023 has a focus on building hardware.
Standards UNE-EN 17352:2023 and UNE-EN 17610:2023 reflect the industry's commitment to excellence and provide a safer and more efficient built environment for professionals and users alike, according to AEPA, the Spanish Association of Manual and Automatic Doors.
AEPA has worked closely with the various public administrations in the development and application of regulations since its inception. Its commitment includes the defence, respect and co-operation with manufacturers who comply with current legislation. The Association also promotes the safety of users and professionals when installing, using and maintaining automatic and manual doors and gates. AEPA announces the publication of the following standards for building envelopes and their accessories because of this dissemination work.
Equipment and Fittings
Motorised pedestrian access control equipment is subject to the UNE-EN 17352:2023 standard. It covers a wide range of equipment, from winches to swing and retractable doors, and sets out requirements and test methods. Specifies requirements and test methods for powered pedestrian access control equipment such as turnstiles, revolving gates and retractable gates. Electromechanical or electrohydraulic actuation is available for these products.
UNE-EN 17610:2023, the standard for building hardware, focuses on building hardware. The standard is intended to be used in the design and construction of a wide range of products, with type III environmental declarations, including door, gate, window and shutter opening and closing devices; door, gate, window and shutter locking devices; and electro-mechanical devices. The standard also contributes to sustainability by applying specific environmental rules to these components, ensuring ecoefficiency in manufacturing and using them, and providing a comprehensive framework for assessing their environmental impact.