Experts should assess the risks of doors and security measures

Rafael de Castillo, Secretary of the Manual and Automatic Doors Business Association (AEPA), highlights the importance of training door experts to assess compliance with standards and ensure safe functioning. He also notes that experts should also assess security risks and measures.
Rafael de Castillo, Secretary of the Manual and Automatic Doors Business Association (AEPA), believes that the training of door experts is hugely important so they are “capable of assessing compliance with standards and regulation”, so that “the door offers the user safe functioning”.
But, he adds, that won’t be enough on its own, as experts should also “assess the risks present in doors and check that they have the security measures to eliminate those risks”. Finally, del Castillo pointed out that “the expert must also evaluate the correct functioning of the door and the different elements that ensure security”.
The most important details in the training of experts are the following: “perfect knowledge of different types of doors, their regulation, elements, components and installation and maintenance requirements, risks and resources and methods to eliminate them, and the corresponding evaluation.”
Training Course
For the training of door experts, the AEPA, in collaboration with Mequonic Engineering, and engineer Miguel Pérez, have prepared an online course in Industrial and Pedestrian Doors Expert Analysis. The training enables those who complete it to conduct expert analyses of doors to prevent accidents. “The training includes the determination of causes of incidents caused by doors, seeking reasons and ultimately responsibilities, although the latter may be determined by a judge, in light of the causes established by the expert.”