TECNIFUEGO highlights guide on condensed aerosol extinguishing systems

TECNIFUEGO highlights the importance of fire suppression systems and announces that the Spanish version is now available of the “Maintenance guide for condensed aerosol fire extinguishing systems”, issued by the European Association Euralarm, of which it forms a part.
According to TECNIFUEGO, the correct functioning of extinguishing systems is essential to extinguish a fire quickly and protect human life. For this reason, the aim of the “maintenance guide for condensed aerosol fire extinguishing systems” is to make all users who have or plan to install a condensed aerosol fire extinguishing system on their premises aware of the importance of maintenance and continuous preventive measures for their constant operation and availability.
The documents specifically cover condensed aerosol extinguishing systems, but the content may also be applicable to other methods of prevention. The function of an automatic condensed aerosol extinguishing system is to extinguish a fire at an early stage of its development in order to protect property, people and business continuity. The systems are controlled automatically to detect a fire in time and release the extinguishing agent before the fire gets out of control.
The guide adheres to the guidelines of the only European standard describing maintenance terminology (EN 13306:2018). Unlike other equipment, a fire prevention system is on operational standby and is only activated in case of fire. Some faults may appear without being detectable by a non-specialist operator. Therefore, regular maintenance visits by specialists are necessary to confirm the performance level of the installation through visual inspections and functional tests.
The guide can be downloaded using this link: