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11 December 2020

Technology puts burglars in a tight spot

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The latest developments applied to protecting homes and businesses are making things quite difficult for thieves, who come up against facial recognition systems that identify and store the faces of unwanted visitors, alarms controlled from your smartphone that prevent interferences, and safety controls integrated with the domotics themselves, that are only disabled when the owner arrives.

Technological advances are key in fighting intrusion and burglaries in homes and businesses. A fight where video systems play an important role, “enormously helping any prevention and investigation actions” as pointed out by Ignacio Barandiarán, CEO of IBD Global. Among the latest advances on the market, which are already part of this company's catalogue, for example, are security systems that include facial recognition and that can “identify and store the faces of the people who access certain facilities”. If it is an unwanted access, this provides “very valuable and precise information”.

Integration with domotics

Diego Moreno, Technical Manager with By Demes Madrid, says that “the coronavirus crisis has caused a huge increase of robberies with forceful entry in businesses and private homes”, therefore people “want to feel safer and they resort to systems such as access control, video surveillance and alarms”. He also explained that the market offers an ample catalogue of products, both with electronic security and CCTV (video), and he highlighted among the main trends “the integration of security with the home's domotics system, to make life easier and improve user experience”.

Moreno explained that “we have gone from having pure and simple alarm systems, that would alert us to what was happening in our home or business, to innovative intrusion systems such as the VESTA by Climax, which are also capable of identifying when it is the user who is approaching the home and automatically disconnect, and even turn on the HVAC and regulate lights”. These systems are compatible with communications to the alarm reception centre (CRA) and “on the one hand it keeps us protected, and on the other hand, it makes life easier thanks to domotics”.