SICUR 2024 brings together representatives from the Security, Emergency and Civil Protection Forces and Corps.

SICUR 2024 brings together public and private security to learn about their equipment and best practices from 27 February to 1 March.
They will organise activities, workshops and live demonstrations for trade visitors at their stands.
The National Police Force, Guardia Civil, Military Emergency Unit, the Catalan and Basque Regional Police Forces, the Madrid Regional Security and 112 Emergency Agency and Municipal Police Force of Madrid, SAMUR-Civil Defence and the Madrid City Council Fire Brigade will all organise activities, workshops and demonstrations at their stands.
SICUR 2024, the International Security Exhibition organised by IFEMA MADRID from 27 February to 1 March, together with the more than 650 exhibiting companies from 31 countries, will be attended by various representatives of the Security Forces, Emergency and Civil Protection bodies, the National Police Force, Guardia Civil, Military Emergency Unit (UME), the Catalan and Basque Regional Police Forces (Mossos d’Esquadra and Ertzaintza, respectively) the Madrid Regional Security and 112 Emergency Agency and Municipal Police Force of Madrid, SAMUR Civil Defence and Madrid City Council Fire Brigade will all organise activities, workshops and demonstrations at their stands so visiting professionals can learn about their equipment and best practices.
At the National Police stand, the Sub-directorate General for Logistics and Innovation will provide information on various projects, one of them in collaboration with the General Commisariat of the Scientific Police. From the General Commissariat of Information, an explosives deactivation team, TEDAX, will present one of the unit’s new robots along with some technical material. The General Commisariat for Immigration and Border Control will present “Punto Atenas”, a police service for detecting false documents and a post to streamline more secure and effective border crossing. The Operations and Digital Transformation Division will bring to SICUR their police drones that assist in investigations and humanitarian work, the Automotive division will present their environmentally friendly Zeta vehicle, while the Telecommunications Division will showcase their most advanced equipment for police operation transmissions. Finally, the Central Private Security Unit, which is part of the General Commissariat for Public Security will update security companies on the latest technological and operational developments.
The Guardia Civil, a participant at SICUR since 2010, will improve its image as a cutting-edge Police Force with the very latest in security technology and show its commitment to Spanish companies. The Rapid Action Unit will introduce a drone and anti-drone system, UAS and C-UAS systems and weaponry and tactical equipment specific to the GAR unit. The CBRN Explosive Deactivation and Disposal Service will present a MINI CALIBER explosive disposal robot, an CBRN defence mannequin and a radiation monitor and contaminometer. The Reserve and Security Goup will have a mannequin with an intervention and crowd control uniform, GO PRO camera with chest harness and incapacitating electric taser. The Traffic Group will present a BMW motorbike and drug detection equipment, breathalysers and service PDA. The Nature Protection Service will exhibit an electric motorbike and a camera trap, a fire investigation case, a terrestrial telescope and a water case and/or laboratory. The Support Services Headquarters will present their textile innovations with four mannequins presented in clothing and new official footwear. Finally, the Technical Services Headquarters through its Technological Innovation and Information Security Service will increase its network of contacts with companies, administrations, universities, etc. in the field of Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I).
The UME, being a benchmark of the Armed Forces in the emergency sector will present the Drones unit (UDRUME) that is currently in the process of being set up. They will also demonstrate some of their material and their skills in the areas of technical search, rescue of the injured and the extraction of victims in urban environments. On 1 March at the SICUR Forum, they will present the UDRUME project and illustrate this type of action with the support of drones in their operations in La Palma and Chile, as well as their intervention in the aftermath of the earthquake in Turkey last year.
The Mossos d’Esquadra, Catalonia's autonomous police force, will exhibit at its stand an all-terrain vehicle with advanced features that has recently been incorporated among the resources of the Advanced Command Centres and an electric patrol vehicle with implementation of various technological solutions for the synchronisation of recorded and transmitted images, with the new Personal Recording Devices that are currently being rolled out and the use of the vehicle's own multimedia screen as a management element for access to the different systems or police information. Coinciding with the implementation of the new uniforms of the citizen security units, there will be two mannequins with the uniforms of the Guardia de Honores (operational working uniforms from the early 20th century) and with the current uniforms to show their evolution and the resources of an image that persists over time. Various headpieces will also be on display, together with symbolic elements showing the progress of materials used over the last 25 years. Finally, a high-performance drone with fixed wing and multi-rotor flight capabilities will also be on display, enabling high-precision long-range aerial operations, together with the latest capabilities in image transmission and reception management.
The stand of the Ertzaintza, the autonomous police force of the Basque Country, will be an institutional meeting point for security agencies, companies, embassies and public bodies. Visitors will also be able to watch a rescue drill carried out by the Surveillance and Rescue Unit through 360 vision glasses.
The functions and competencies of Madrid’s regional security and emergency services will be demonstrated within the ASEM-112 framework, displaying the material sources that are available to the responders: Fire Brigade, Forestry Agents Body, Madrid 112 Emergency Centre, Integral Emergency Services Training Institute, Civil Protection and the Emergency Medical Service of the Community of Madrid (SUMMA 1112).
The Fire Brigade will construct a large display with a backlit panel showing images of various manoeuvres carried out in interventions, a ledge with a torch for
technical fire, a Hexacopter drone or a model 'smoke house' explaining how fires develop in homes, complemented by an audiovisual presentation of drills and outreach activities.
Forestry Agents will present material for the investigation of forest fires, environmental crimes and personal protection equipment for extinguishing and working at heights. They will also explain their functions and actions, as well as tell the story of “Rosa the Forestry Agent” with the use of a Playmobil diorama.
The Madrid 112 Emergency Centre will have a demonstration of live calls through the SIGE 112 (Integral Emergency Management System) platform with a chance to have a virtual tour of the ASEM 112 building, where the emergency telephone operations room is located.
The Emergency Medical Service of the Community of Madrid (SUMMA 112) will give a first-aid demonstration and an exhibition with emergency care material.
The Integral Emergency Services Training Institute (IFISE) will explain its their functions, emphasising the selective courses of Basic Training for local police and Civil Protection, together with police promotion courses.
Finally, Civil Protection will present the activities of its own groups and those of the Immediate Response team of Emergency Volunteers. It will also display mannequins with the official uniforms of the service, helmets and a device connected to the TETRA network.
The Municipal Police Force of Madrid’s stand will be exhibiting the latest technological innovations of the Air Support Services (drones), the Central Commissariat for Security and the Commissariat of the Judicial Traffic Police. They will showcase a police vehicle equipped with cutting-edge technologies and video surveillance, a recently acquired operating intervention vehicle, an operator post with the IRIS system and an integrated video surveillance system equipped with Artificial Intelligence, a recently purchased BMW 1250 RT motorcycle, operational tactical communication elements and mobile tripod radars. There will also be breathalyser and drug testing demonstrations and an exhibition of UAS (drones) with a screen showing recent police interventions
The SAMUR-Civil Protection stand will have an exhibition section where they will be presenting their “Mobile Pharmacy” vehicle, a Special Procedures vehicle for logistical and CBRN support, a first-response motorcycle and bicycle used in high-occupancy events, self-protection material of the responder and the latest technologies in electro-medical equipment. Besides, there will be workshops on topics of the CPR, haemorrhage and airway protection.
Madrid Firefighters will have a self-scaled vehicle at its stand and, as a novelty, will have an experimental classroom focused on the prevention of fires and household risks through information and education activities and workshops
Meanwhile, representatives of the Guardia Civil, National Police, Mossos d'Esquadra and Ertzainza will take part in SICUR CYBER on 29 February at 16:00 as part of the round table discussion on ‘Cybercrime Strategies of Security Forces and Bodies’.
From 27 February to 1 March, IFEMA MADRID is hosting SICUR, the biannual event, for the second consecutive edition and it will also be available on its own digital platform at SICUR LIVEConnect.