UTC Designs an Expandable Aspirating Smoke Detection Solution

UTC Climate, Controls & Security has created ModuLaser, an expandable aspirating smoke detection solution for more flexible design and installation. Separate detector and display modules allow a unique modular design that provides multi-zone sensing while overcoming many of the challenges of non-modular systems.
Two basic module types comprise the ModuLaser solution: The display module provides monitoring and supervision of the detector modules, and the detector extracts air from the risk area and analyses it for smoke particles. Up to eight detector modules can be controlled and monitored with a single display module, and each of these eight detector modules can accommodate up to 250 metres of combined sampling pipe.
ModuLaser’s technology makes it suitable for a range of applications far beyond those normally associated with air sample detectors. Thanks to its advanced detection technology, it is impervious to the over-sensitivity problems commonly associated with aspiration smoke detectors and provides a reliable general-purpose smoke detection solution without the risk of nuisance alarms.
More information at https://es.firesecurityproducts.com/es/home