SICUR MUNDO HACKER, a New Space for Cybersecurity at SICUR 2020

SICUR MUNDO HACKER (SICUR Hacker World) will address current challenges in cybersecurity through a programme of talks, discussions, and workshops with leading experts. It will organise demonstrations of attacks and responses and a hackathon for recruiting new talent. Ian Khan, a Forbes contributor, CNN futurist and emerging technology expert, will open the event with a keynote address on 27th February. The SICUR MUNDO HACKER space will take place within the context of SICUR, on 27th and 28th February 2020. Entry is free for exhibitors and visitors registered at SICUR 2020.
SICUR, the leading international event for the whole safety & security industry, organised by IFEMA, next 25th and 28th February at Feria de Madrid, will be, as with every edition, a reference point for the trade visitors in all fields of safety & security.
As part of this year’s content, reflecting the growing inter-relationship and interdependence between IT security and physical security, SICUR 2020 will host the SICUR MUNDO HACKER space to highlight cybersecurity at the Fair as a fundamental part of Integrated Security in today’s economy and society. At SICUR MUNDO HACKER, leading IT solution providers will present about the different threats faced by companies and individuals and the precautions they need to take to protect themselves from online threats.
The SICUR MUNDO HACKER programme, which will take place on 27th and 28th February, will offer talks, discussions and workshops with leading experts who will discuss current cybersecurity challenges.
On Thursday, 27th February, SICUR MUNDO HACKER’s programme will focus on the links between traditional security and cybersecurity, with the participation of renowned industry professionals from Spain and abroad. Among them are Ian Khan, Forbes’ collaborator, futurist featured on CNN and expert in emerging technology, who will open the event, and Antonio Ramos, a leading expert in cybersecurity in Spain, who will present the programme. Also, at the SICUR MUNDO HACKER space, there will be demonstrations on smart buildings, smart cities, healthcare and mobility. These will allow trade visitors to learn about some of the types of attacks that are taking place and how to deal with them.
On Friday 28th, the space will transform to accommodate four learning space with workshops for technical people and talks with tips on improving cybersecurity awareness and promoting proactive protection. And talent recruitment will also have its space, at the Hackathon in which participants can test their know-how in a programme of challenges.