SICUR RESILIENCE to Analyse Comprehensive Security Management and Current Risks

SICUR RESILIENCE is SICUR's space dedicated to the modern concept of Business and Organizational Resilience.
SICUR’s dedicated space for Business & Organizational Resilience is organised in partnership with PESI. It will host a workshop on Horizon Europe’s Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society R&D&I call and the S2R International Congress (SAFETY, SECURITY AND RESILIENCE INNOVATION & RESEARCH IN EUROPE) on 22nd and 24th February.
The International Security Exhibition, organised by IFEMA MADRID from 22nd to 25th February, will host a workshop on the Horizon Europe’s Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society R&D&I call and the S2R International Congress (SAFETY & SECURITY RESEARCH IN EUROPE), in the space dedicated to the modern concept of Business and Organisational Resilience, SICUR RESILIENCIA, coordinated by PESI (Spanish Technology Platform for Industrial Security).
The R&D&I workshop on Horizon Europe’s Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society, organised by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), in partnership with the European Commission, MADRIMASD FOUNDATION, PESI and other associations, will take place on Tuesday, 22nd February. The workshop will focus mainly on a presentation of the document Enhancing Security through Research & Innovation by Andrea de Candido, deputy head of the security research unit of DG HOME. The Cluster 3 National Contact Points will present flash information on the topics and priorities to be funded under the 2022 Cluster 3 call. There will also be a round table of relevant entities and sector associations in this programme, contributing their vision and recommendations for successful participation in the calls for proposals. Finally, the collaboration agreements between CDTI and the Defence and Interior ministries will be presented and the activities associated with them.
This workshop will be followed by a European Brokerage Event to bring together companies, research entities, and universities involved in the technology areas relevant to the call to facilitate networking and preparation of proposals for the 2022 Cluster 3 call with the participation of Spanish entities. This session is held in partnership with the MADRIMASD FOUNDATION, a member of the EEN (Europe Enterprise Network).
SICUR RESILENCIA will also be the venue for the S2R Congress (SAFETY, SECURITY AND RESILIENCE INNOVATION & RESEARCH IN EUROPE). It will be opened on Thursday, 24th February by Dr Enrique Belda, Deputy Director-General of Information Systems & Communications for Security at the Ministry of Interior, and the President of PESI, Ángel González Martínez of Iberdrola Spain.
The Congress will be organised around four panel discussions. The first will address the Business Resilience: Governance & Risk Management Models for Business Continuity, with the participation of CONTINUAM Forum and PESI (European vision). The second will focus on Integral Security (Security & Cyber) and Resilience of Critical Infrastructures and Value Chains, moderated by CNPIC (TBC), with the participation of AEINSE, ADSI (TBC), AES, ASIS Spain, AECRA, CCI Cybersecurity and ADISPO-AIMCSE. The session on Security and Industrial Reliability (Digitalisation & KETs) will be moderated by DGIPYME (SG quality and Industrial Security), with the participation of Eurecat, AEIS-INCOSE, ISA Spain Chapter, Sisteplant (AEM). The session on Human Factors in Resilience (Preventive Culture, Occupational Health, Psychosocial Risks) will be moderated by the Director of the INSST, and with the participation of IBERDROLA, CGPSST/CGRICT, VisionZero (TBC), AEPSAL and ASPA-ANEPA.
PESI will hold its General Assembly in the afternoon, chaired by the Ministry of Science and Innovation’s National Research Agency (AEI) and Iberdrola. This assembly will include a presentation of the Platform Action Plan. PESI members will give presentations about Innovations & Technologies for Security & Resilience. They will discuss, among other topics, the Gamification for Capacity Building In Crisis Situations by GA Group, and The Worker 4.0 Paradigm and SWE (Safe Working Environments), by TECNALIA. The Congress activities will conclude with the first Women & Innovation in Security Awards. These Awards will spotlight these women’s outstanding professional careers, for their vision and contributions to the different facets of security, their innovative or research activity (R&D&I) or their important leadership in associations and government to help break the sector’s glass ceiling.
About Resilience
Developing resilience calls for comprehensive management of different perspectives of security and current risks operational & industrial, environmental, human factors, security, cybersecurity). This is why new capabilities and tools are needed in decision support companies, especially those responsible for the different functional areas related to security and business continuity. But it especially requires an advanced Governance Model that allows the development of adequate strategies and coordination of the related areas within the company. Combining this model with intelligence, technologies and other specific systems to improve resilience can ensure business continuity and rapid service recovery following a crisis or exceptional event.
To achieve this, the PESI Ecosystem proposes a new Resilience Governance Model. The model includes a comprehensive vision of Risk Management and Business Continuity, both for driving companies and their value chains. These value chains cover different industrial fields (such as manufacturing, process industry, energy), utilities networks (including gas, water), transport infrastructure, industry services (maintenance, logistics) and essential services for Society (vision of the safe and Resilient City-Region), managed by Critical Infrastructure Operators.