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15 July 2022

Juan Pedro Barrios (ASEPAL): “The most recent trends in PPE are related with sustainability”

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The arrival of summer means that Personal Protective Equipment is of even greater importance, especially for jobs which involve exposure to the sun and heat, according to Juan Pedro Barrios, Vice-president of ASEPAL, in the interview below. Barrios also puts forward the latest trends in PPE in Spain.

Juan Pedro Barrios, Vice-president of the Association of Personal Protective Equipment Companies (ASEPAL), explains the latest trends of the sector and the special importance of equipment to avoid the effects of heat and sun exposure in the summer.

What are the latest trends in Personal Protective Equipment in Spain? 

Trends are starting to be all about sustainability; and in different product categories there is already some demand for PPE made from materials that generate less waste, are environmentally friendly and can be recycled.

Also, exoskeletons for the prevention of back injuries in jobs which require extended periods of physical exertion are beginning to become more widespread in certain industries. Wearables, especially in categories such as height protection or clothing, are also beginning to see a slight increase in demand. In general PPE is required to be more comfortable and hard-wearing, and slowly the market is becoming more aware that sustainability is necessary.

What is the importance of Personal Protective Equipment in summer for jobs which involve exposure to sun and heat ?

Great, as due to the climate of our country it is necessary to prevent sunburn, heat stroke or heat exhaustion. In this sense, it is necessary to protect oneself with lightweight, breathable clothing that offers good UVA protection and to use light and comfortable designs.

What actions is Asepal promoting to improve labour protection in our country?  

This year we signed an agreement with the Fraternidad Muprespa to improve the fit of PPE for women. In addition, we are continuing to collaborate with the administration and training for occupational risk prevention; and collaboration from the ESF with the improvement of regulations, associates’ good practices, etc.