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12 April 2023

Iñigo Ugalde Blanco (AES): "The security sector has become an exporter"

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The new president of the Spanish Association of Security Companies (AES), Iñigo Ugalde Blanco, who has held the position since 24 January, states in the following interview that many years ago the security sector made do with the domestic market, whereas now the export figures have increased exponentially. Ugalde also explains the new challenges for the future and the actions that AES will implement in 2023. The emergence of new risks has shaped the development of the security sector in recent years. In this regard, what will be the main challenges in 2023?

When faced by any risk, we always focus on finding solutions. This is part of the DNA of the Spanish security industry. Nowadays, due to technological advances, the challenges are ever-changing and continuous. Risks appear, but we see them as new horizons and opportunities. This is nothing new; we have faced the appearance of regulations, legislative changes, a pandemic, new technologies, difficulties in acquiring certain raw materials, price increases, etc.; but security companies in Spain are always where they belong; on the front line, where they should be. In the front line, where they should be.

At AES, we try to stay ahead of events and ensure that our member companies work closely together through our sectoral work areas, led by outstanding professionals. This is where we really analyse the risks in terms of physical security, electronic security, cybersecurity, engineering, installations, maintenance, alarm monitoring centres and fire protection services. From our areas of work, we come up with challenges and guidelines for global recommendations, which are then implemented by each individual company as a solution.

We are also working on other major challenges such as the creation and retention of talent, the inclusion of women in our sector and training to continuously improve the image of security in Spain. We need to be more attractive to new generations, as the Spanish security industry is a clear creator of jobs.

At the present time, what are the main features that characterise companies in the sector in Spain?

We can sum them up in one word: dynamic. The Spanish security industry is proactive, it adapts quickly to changes, to the environment. We analyse the current and future situation in detail, based on past experience. We are companies with concerns, with a desire to innovate and above all with a high capacity to share experiences in order to improve the sector, and always with the aim of improving the wellbeing of society in general. This is the spirit of AES: to be the image of our associates, to transmit their values and strengths and, as a result, to professionalise the sector to the highest possible degree.

The security industry in Spain is very reliable and competent, with very clear ideas of what to do and where to go. It is fearless. What others see as problems, we see as opportunities. At AES, as leading representatives of the industry in our sector, we exude positivism and a desire to take on new challenges. The drive of our member companies requires this.

How internationalised is the Spanish security sector?

It has been years since we threw off the fears and complexes that made us believe that what came from abroad was always better than what we had at home. Our sector has become an exporter. Many years ago, we made do with the domestic market and now export figures have increased exponentially. When we share international experiences at AES, you realise how much the Spanish security industry has grown in this respect. Our companies are present at international trade fairs, not only as visitors but also as exhibitors. It's really great to see how we advise and help each other and create bonds in the association. It's truly impressive.

The great technological investments that the sector has made are paying off. In many cases we are benchmarks. The staff of our companies is increasingly well-trained and prepared for these challenges. AES companies have been thinking globally, as well as locally, for years.

What main lines of action will AES implement in 2023?

The Spanish Association of Security Companies is a team, a well-oiled machine with more than 40 years of history. The members of its board of directors are committed to the established goals and interests. AES is not just for show, at AES we actively work. We spend many hours of our leisure time for the betterment of our industry and especially for the betterment of our society. We have a roadmap called Plan 2023/2025 where we will work along the following lines: changing the image of AES to adapt to the new era; maintaining our representativeness in the sector; continuing to organise events to promote the industry; continuing to disseminate our publications; working on the international representation we have in Euralarm and Eurosafe; organising the assemblies of Aenor's Technical Committee for Standardisation CTN 108 and its Subcommittee SC79; and reactivating Technical Subcommittee 5 of CTN 196 Safety by Design in the built environment.

AES is a structure in which the companies that make it up are the main driving force and this is reflected in their work areas, many of which have more than 20 members. This is incredible and motivating. As objectives for 2023 we would highlight the following: in the area of physical security, guidelines for recommendations on home security and requirements for obliged establishments will be addressed. In the area of electronic security, we will continue to work on talent retention, artificial intelligence, biometrics... along the same lines as the magnificent guides created in recent years. In cybersecurity, we will continue to raise awareness of the sector in this area, without neglecting the focus on the National Security Scheme. In alarm monitoring centres, the reduction of false alarms, the service to our associates and the appearance of new standards and how to adapt them to our companies will be part of the main focus. In engineering, installation and maintenance, informative and training work will be carried out in view of the new challenges and demands in the sector. And in fire protection, we will work and collaborate in the definition, development and organisation of remote management activities and services in fire detection and protection.

In 2023 we have created the AES Foundation, and this is another of our great incentives, where we will work hard to safeguard the interests of the sector, increase public-private collaboration, contribute to environmental sustainability, promote gender equality in the industry and establish agreements with educational centres. We will also continue to strengthen our ties with other complementary associations so that together we can create a better society. At the Spanish Association of Security Companies, we have a great task ahead of us and we will tackle it with the same enthusiasm and dedication as on the first day.