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06 October 2022

Adrián Gómez (Tecnifuego): "the first half of the year in fire safety has been positive"

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Adrián Gómez, president of Tecnifuego, the Spanish Association of Fire Protection Companies, states in the following interview that the first half of 2022 has been positive in terms of trends for manufacturers, installers, maintenance companies and other fire safety services in Spain. "In general terms," he points out, "growth has been observed in relation to the previous period".

What is your assessment of trends in the first half of the year for manufacturers, installers, maintenance companies and other fire safety services in Spain?

The first half of the year has been positive. In general terms, we have observed growth in relation to the previous period. This is the information we can give until we have a more comprehensive market survey based on the main companies in the fire protection sector. For the second half of the year, from the data we are receiving, there are already signs of a slowdown in the market.

And with these data, how do you think 2022 will end for this sector?

This gradual slowdown has been noticeable since last June. We have to wait and see how this last quarter develops, but demand is being affected as a result of the current economic situation, the increase in interest rates, inflation and the scarcity of raw materials. These are worrying facts that are causing the market to slow down in anticipation of economic policies and incentives.

What will the new trends and major challenges for 2023 be?

TECNIFUEGO, as the sector's employer's association, is the benchmark for future trends in fire safety. From our perspective, the trends in the sector will shift towards digitalisation and innovation, sustainability, specialisation and excellence.

In this regard, the major challenges are to raise awareness among companies regarding this line of action aimed at excellence; to participate in the training of professional users who value specialisation and take into account the importance of maintenance, as well as to inform them of the potential of new technologies for new risks. Furthermore, one of our future challenges is to achieve the recognition of society, i.e. to promote the SCI as an ally and silent guardian, so that people feel that fire safety is tantamount to quality and trust.

In short, to professionalise and specialise the sector, and to make users and society aware that safety is a necessary investment that protects people, property and the environment.