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16 September 2024

Miguel Romón: External prevention services are adapting to changes in society

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3 min.

Miguel Romón, the chairman of the Business Confederation of External Prevention Services - recently formed on an official basis - which brings together 60% of the companies in the sector, states in the following interview that external prevention services are adapting to the labour changes in society, such as teleworking or the incorporation of new occupations such as content moderators.

How have preventive techniques and the work carried out by External Prevention Services in Spain evolved?

External Prevention Services (SPA) are the very core of prevention in Spain and, as fundamental agents within society, they not only contribute through their transversal activity to all productive sectors, but their work also benefits workers and their families, in other words, the collective well-being. So, the evolution of SPAs goes hand in hand with the progress of society. Their ability to adapt and evolve became quite clear, for instance, in the management of the pandemic, where their response capacity, effectiveness and collaboration were demonstrated.

But besides this prime example, it is also worth highlighting that if society changes, External Prevention Services adapt. Nowadays, there are new formulas such as teleworking, and even tasks that did not exist before, such as content moderators. And here too, SPAs work to ensure well-being by adapting to new realities.

What tools have been taken on board to adapt to these new realities?

Self-evidently, although the purpose of SPAs remains the same, the formulas for ensuring health and safety have changed. We have new tools that allow for faster and more effective prevention management. New technologies, such as the disruption of artificial intelligence, have changed the modus operandi, but never its essence and ultimate goal. From monitoring devices for different factors, software or mobile applications, the use of drones etc., these advances are part of the development of External Prevention Services.

What do we need in order to strengthen a preventive culture?

The challenge is to keep moving forward and taking advantage of all the options that our environment offers us to continue growing. The appreciation of External Prevention Services as fundamental agents in the social fabric is vital to achieve the consolidation of a preventive culture, a culture in which prevention is taken to mean an investment not only in economic terms, but also in terms of well-being. A safe society is a healthier society, and these results do not only affect the workplace. The work the SPAs do has repercussions on people's daily lives, improving their health and well-being.

How should these challenges be addressed?

Self-evidently, in a cohesive way. A few months ago, the Business Confederation of External Prevention Services was created, a major stride forward for the sector. The Confederation brings together more than 60% of the sector and it was created with a view to defending and highlighting the work carried out by External Prevention Services in our country.

An active, collaborative and cohesive organisation, with an even sounder structure, it boasts the differential advantage of having extensive experience in the associative world of its constituent organisations, extensively covering, and with experience in, all the territories of Spain.