Bermeo hosted the 7th edition of the Fire Day

“People should know that it is possible to be protected from a fire”, as stated by the President of TECNIFUEGO, Adrian Gomez, in the 7th edition of the Fire Day Euskadi - Suaren Eguna, which was held on the 11th of May in Bermeo, with a high participation rate of professionals and town residents.
The 7th edition of the Fire Day Euskadi - Suaren Eguna was held in Bermeo, with a high participation rate of professionals and town residents. The event had a technical section, aimed at professionals in fire prevention, and another aimed at the residents, to raise awareness on the benefits of installing protection equipment in homes. TECNIFUEGO, Spanish Association of Fire Prevention Companies, and Cepreven, in collaboration with the Bermeo Town Hall, organised the event.
The Conference, under the title “Working towards specialisation in fire protection”, was presented by the Mayor of Bermeo, Aritz Abaroa; and the President of TECNIFUEGO, Adrian Gomez. Several current issues were discussed, such as: “Municipal emergency plans”; “Responsibility of the security directors at fire prevention installations”, “Digitalisation's boost for prevention: maintainability and emergency management”; “Fires in buildings, a view based on sustainability”; “The importance of prevention” and other conferences on regulation and maintenance issues.
Means for prevention
During the symbolic act of handing out detectors, the President of TECNIFUEGO, Adrian Gomez, said that “this campaign aims to raise awareness on the risk of fire and to inform on the wide range of means available nowadays to prevent a tragedy; therefore, we are donating these self-reliant detectors to the Town Hall to be installed in at-risk homes in Bermeo. People should know that it is possible to be protected, and we as specialists are here to remind everyone and to help it become a reality”.