Experts highlight the importance of digitalisation in emergency prevention and management

The promotion of digitalisation in emergency prevention and management, the remote management of alarm signals, the maintenance of passive protection systems, and fires in buildings from a sustainability perspective were some of the topics addressed at the Dia del Foc (Fire Day), a conference organised by TECNIFUEGO, the Spanish Association of Fire Protection Companies, and held at the Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Barcelona (Association of Industrial Technical Engineers of Barcelona).
The 16th Dia del Foc event, held on 14 December, addressed the main issues related to fire protection, at a conference attended by representatives of the Colegio de Ingenieros Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Barcelona (Association of Graduate Engineers and Industrial Technical Engineers of Barcelona), the Fire Prevention Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Regional Government) and Barcelona City Council, TECNIFUEGO (Spanish Association of Fire Protection Companies), and CEPREVEN, among others.
The forum discussed the most topical issues in the sector, including the promotion of digitalisation in prevention, maintainability and emergency management: remote management of fire alarm signals; maintenance records of passive protection systems and integral protection; fires in buildings with a view to sustainability; wildfires and their impact on the environment, the economy and the population; the new series of UNE 23580 fire safety standards, maintenance records of fire protection installations and equipment.