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14 January 2021

Companies change their protection methods

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The higher awareness and training caused by covid-19 has led to protection in all workplaces going beyond compliance with the basic regulations in each sector or industry. Infrastructures, equipment and training are among the main concerns for companies in 2021.

During the last decade Spain has undergone significant improvements regarding health and safety at the workplace, due to the various policies and regulations applied, but 2021 will be a true turning point in the mentality of both owners and workers. According to Roberto Piccolo, Manager of Industrial Starter, the pandemic has brought about a scenario where “awareness and education on personal protection in the workplace now goes beyond the simple fact of complying with a regulation”. At the moment, “personal health and safety are above anything, and we are now more aware of this than ever”.

Piccolo is convinced that the major industrial companies will place this problem at the centre of their corporate social responsibility for this year. And they will make sure to have “equipment and infrastructure in the best condition”, along with “further development of training, education and awareness strategies”, to create optimal work environments. They will create, “areas where workers feel protected and where the company comes close to the goal of bringing down to a minimum the absenteeism rates derived from workplace accidents, reaching the highest levels of productivity”.

Two scenarios

Until vaccination begins to take effect and we return to normalcy, companies are facing a transition period where the utmost precautions are necessary. Joseba Esparza, Product Manager with TB Group, considers two possible scenarios for this year. “In the first one, industries will still implement logical behaviours from 2020 to preserve employee health and production processes”; for example, “they will try to maintain and improve safety with the minimum possible number of visits by manufacturers, distributors, etc.”. Whereas, “in a second scenario, vaccinations will begin to “calm” the situation and in-person meetings can be increased”.

Safety reinforcement

Experts coincide in that the return to normalcy will bring with it a reinforcement of workplace protection. Esparza pointed out the increasing importance of “the need for in-person meetings in industry leading to the choice of the most suitable PPE”, now complemented with online tools, webinars and virtual meetings. And Piccolo highlighted “the role of technical and quality products, research and innovation to respond to the new risks that may arise, and the development of training, technical and educational content around security in the workplace”.