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14 January 2021

Auxquimia increases water’s efficacy against fire

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Fire-fighting foams developed by Auxquimia have become a decisive ally for firefighters when facing domestic fires. These products reduce water tension, increasing its penetration speed on solid surfaces that are in flames, thus cooling the materials sooner and quickly extinguishing the flames.

The foams manufactured by Auxquimia are mixed with water and are used by firefighters, both civil and industrial, to extinguish different types of fires, mainly on solid materials and flammable liquids.

Among the products developed by the company are non-fluorinated foams for flammable liquids, formulated based on hydrocarbon surfactants and special polymers that provide a pseudo-plastic behaviour, and can be used to extinguish both class B (liquids) and class A (solids) fires.

They also have products designed specifically for use in demonstrations and trainings, that allow simulations of conventional foams, avoiding having to use higher-cost products. These may be used for testing, verification and demonstrations of installations and foam equipment, as well as to train firefighter groups.