SCHOOLS DAY 2024 is the event for families searching for schools, camps and extracurricular activities

This time, the event will be longer, running from 6 to 10 March, and it will share a hall with AULA, Salón del Estudiante y la Oferta Educativa 2024 (International Educational Opportunities Exhibition)
. IFEMA MADRID has announced a new edition of SCHOOLS DAY, to be from 6 to 10 March in the framework of SEMANA DE LA EDUCACIÓN (EDUCATION WEEK). The fair is for families looking for a first school for their children in the early years or who would like them to change schools in later stages. It also features an interesting range of companies that organise urban camps and extracurricular activities to meet the growing demand from parents in these areas.
SCHOOL DAYS will now run for five days instead of one. Because it will share a hall with AULA, Salón del Estudiante y la Oferta Educativa 2024 (International Educational Opportunities Exhibition), families will find it easy to visit the fair and its participating companies, meaning more visitors.
The fair has also been renamed “Feria de las Familias, los Colegios y los Campamentos” (Families, Schools and Camps Fair) to highlight the camps among the exhibitors, offering a comprehensive range of Spanish and foreign proposals and solutions for families in addition to the schools, nursery schools and extracurricular activities, already featured at the event.
SCHOOLS DAY will be an excellent event at SEMANA DE LA EDUCACION (EDUCATION WEEK) Spain's leading meeting for the education sector, together with the 32nd Salón Internacional del Estudiante y de la Oferta Educativa, AULA (International Educational Opportunities Exhibition); the 28th Salón Internacional del Material Educativo (International Educational Equipment and Teaching Resources Show) and the 5th Congreso de Recursos de la Educación y Exposición Comercial (International Educational Equipment Show and Teaching Resources Congress), Congreso RED INTERDIDAC (RED INTERDIDAC Congress); and the 15th Salón Internacional de POSTGRADO Y FORMACIÓN CONTINUA (International Higher Education and Ongoing Training Fair). All this will coincide with MADRID ES CIENCIA (MADRID ES CIENCIA), organised by the Community of Madrid through Fundación para el Conocimiento MADRID+D.
More information on the Semana de la Educación website.