International exhibition of higher education and ongoing formation
Learning doesn't end with a degree. In a world of work in constant evolution, the POSTGRADO Y FORMACIÓN CONTINUA fair is the answer for those who, like you, are looking to continue advancing, reinvent themselves or specialise in emerging areas, to face the future with guaranteed success.
This space offers you innovative programmes and direct access to companies and organisations that present the latest trends in training. Professionals and recent graduates will be able to discover during your visit how to adapt to the new demands of the market and design a future full of opportunities through the proposals of leading companies and organisations. Include a visit to our fair in your agenda!

Advising you in your training
On 26 and 27 March, the International Postgraduate and Lifelong Learning Fair brings together a whole range of training proposals for graduates like you, who want to access higher education, and for those professionals who wish to update or complete their knowledge and continue training in order to gain access to the labour market more quickly.
The show will be attended by universities, training centres, as well as public bodies that will present their academic offer in masters, doctorates, postgraduate studies, language schools...
In this edition it will be located in Hall 5, next to the AULA Vocational Training area and the new DIGIeLEARNING fair, focused on Digital Learning.