Salón Look 2024 will address the latest professional techniques during the 16th Aesthetics Congress

The highly esteemed event for beauty professionals will be held on Saturday, 19 October, from 10 am to 6 pm and offer an extensive range of content.
Salón Look, the International Image and Integral Aesthetics Exhibition organised by IFEMA MADRID, will take place from 18 to 20 October 2024. The trade show will include a new edition of the Aesthetics Congress on Saturday, 19 October, from 10 am to 6 pm, and promises to be a unique opportunity to further discuss subjects discussed in previous years.
The 15th Aesthetics Congress will tackle the latest professional aesthetics techniques. The event, hosted by model and presenter Paloma Lago, will kick off with an engaging discussion between Concha Vela, president of FANAE, and Ezequiel Olmos, head of the technical department at Omologic, a consultancy for CE marking of aesthetic equipment. They will explain the hot topic related to Annex 16 Regulation, the new legislation on CE marking.
Next up will be a presentation on “How to multiply the results of treatments in the booths by combining different technologies and protocols”, given by Cecilia Castro, a licensed physiotherapist and kinesiologist and a specialist in the field of great renown. Next, retinol and bakuchiol, explaining the differences and effects they have on the skin, will be the subject of the talk. The dermatofunctional physiotherapist, Mª José Bordera, will give a presentation entitled “Cellulite, lipoedema and localised fat. Identification and new approaches in conservative treatment”. Following that, there will be an explanation of a successful model in the professional aesthetics industry, an uplifting discussion aimed at empowering and strengthening our daily efforts.
Furthermore, the programme will feature talks on customers and business, including a presentation titled “Eight essential tips for beauty professionals: mastering the finances of your business simply and effectively” by David Rodelas, an international instructor in beauty business management. It will be followed by the exhibition on “Hair Dermotricology, a speciality created for health and beauty professionals, a new profitable service for you and your clients”. Renowned Latin beauty market expert Oswaldo Sanabria will be completing this block with a presentation introducing detox processes in professional aesthetics. “The significance of body detoxification for the success of aesthetic treatments performed on the client.”
Victor Camon will conclude the session with his presentation, “Double your time and improve profitability.” Camon, an international coach and creative human, specialises in personal and professional development.
The upcoming Salón Look event, organised by IFEMA MADRID, is a leading meeting point for the comprehensive image and beauty sector in Spain and Portugal. It will take place from October 18th to 20th, 2024, and will occupy Halls 12, 14, and 14.1. Registration and all information will soon be available on the official website of Salón Look.
*Entrance to the XVI Congress of Aesthetics includes access to the fair during the three days of its celebration, an accreditation diploma, and an aperitif cocktail.” Brief communications will amplify and update the contents.