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Pavilions, catwalk and exterior

Bold large-format events

For larger events, IFEMA MADRID offers 13 Halls whose surface areas range between 5400 and 21600 m2. Halls 2, 6 and 12 have no columns.

We have two types of rates for Halls: meeting rate and exhibition rate. The exhibition rate applies to the marketing of exhibitions. The meeting fee applies to other activities such as conventions, product presentations, banquets etc.

The Catwalks, located in Hall 14.1, allow us to offer a different scenario for product presentations and meetings. “La Pasarela,Sala Polivalente” has capacity for 800 people. The “Pasarela, Sala Gradas” has a space for 756 people. In addition the open-plan space that surrounds them admits exhibitions and catering services.

There is a series of outdoor spaces on the premises where tents can be assembled for the celebration of concerts, sports competitions, shows and other events.

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Mapa Venuetour
Halls, catwalk and exterior rates and capacities

Capacities and Rates


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Image Gallery - Halls

Location map - Halls

Check here the multiple ways to get to the
IFEMA Halls.

How to get there


Hall rooms map