Practical workshops are one of the aspects best valued by professionals who attend scientific congresses in our sector. It is not only about knowing the technological innovations presented in the different areas, but about using them in an environment as close as possible to the daily reality of the dental clinic.
This format provides an interaction between the speaker, either a professional user or an expert from the company organizing the workshop, so that the participant receives exhaustive information about the product that the visitor cannot otherwise have.
Practical workshops on magnification, magnifying glasses and microscopes, computer applications for management and 3D imaging, rotating instrumentation in endodontics, 3D printing, equipment for periodontal hygiene treatment, composites, digital prints, smile design, aligners, inhalation anxiolysis, regeneration techniques with biomaterials and membranes, implantology, etc. are planned.
The number of participants will be limited so that each of the participants can use the technology object of the workshop and will requires prior registration.