About H05

H05 is a brand of garments and objects made locally on a human scale, with care and closeness. The brand reflects, transfers, and encapsulates experiences and values. With an inclusive approach, the timeless and adaptable pieces blur gender. The pieces are devices that must be assembled by the person who wears them, depending on their needs and moment. 

In 2016, the brand started to be developed in Proyecto Hemen, Neo-artisautza Lantegia (Hemen Project, Neo-craft Factory), in Ronda Street, Bilbao. With the intention of creating community; driving and bringing together different ways of doing, the value of craftsmanship, and material experimentation. Proyecto Hemen is a space for contemporary creation centred on garments and pottery as the axis to achieve creative development. 

Collection lines


Visit is about returning to grandma's house seeking the antidote to come out slower than you came in. 

Our work method highlights the act of collecting, as an action that transports us. Card albums, stickers, and scented cards. The action involves bringing energy inwards in an impulse to keep and persevere a substance, object or memory (visit your memories) for the future. The container is a binder that gathers small treasures; bits and pieces which carry experiences, identities, and memories. 

―I remember a pile of threads, breadcrumbs, and pins placed in the four millimeters that separate two of the boards of our workshop table…  Shards of broken pottery, worn out jewelry, contacts for tired eyes, and the bean of a Roscón de Reyes from the beginning of 2022. 

Associations interest us, still lifes of heterogeneous objects that are generated in the drawers and shelves of our (familiar) spaces. Going back to our grandmothers’ wardrobes and finding a timeless garments. 

(Remember the visit) 
