Custo Barcelona

Custo Barcelona
EN English
ES Español

Custo Barcelona at MBFWMadrid

About Custo Barcelona

Custo Barcelona was created at the start of the 80s by the Dalmau brothers, Custo and David, following a long journey which took them around the world. On their way they discovered not only new horizons but also a huge swathe of artistic, cultural and philosophical influences.

One of the elements that most attracted their attention was the style in California, expressed in the look of the surfers living to the south of the State, as well as the psychodelia of the northern part. The innovative fashion - full of color - that they found there impressed them, especially a style of T-shirts that did not exist in Spain at that point.

Using this as a starting-point, the brand was launched under the name of Custo Line. The Dalmau brothers began to work learning as much as possible about printing techniques and their finishes, placing particular attention on the area of graphic design, with which they felt particularly comfortable. Over time, research into the use of color and prints turned predominantly innovative, bold and sophisticated.

Custo Barcelona could currently be claimed to exist as a style in itself which to a certain extent suggests a particular way of viewing life. A lifestyle that is expressed in collections for women and men.


Custo Barcelona is currently a consolidated image brand that, since 1997, unveils its collections each season at New York Fashion Week. Innovation and creativity are at the root of a style characterized by the use of graphics and color that have become iconic.

Their success has become recognized by not only the public buying their garments but also by fashion professionals, the media and the world of celebrities.

Collection lines

*MIRAGE: The Autumn/Winter 2025 collection by Custo Barcelona*.

Custo Barcelona presents Mirage, its Autumn/Winter 2025 collection, a proposal that fuses the visual universe with an imaginary world where nature and humanity coexist in harmony. The collection explores, with irony and audacity, the themes of technology, glamour and the social, creating an innovative and avant-garde style code.

Inspired by fantastical landscapes, Mirage takes as its point of reference a privileged and respected nature, a visual language that is embodied in the T-shirts for both women and men. The pieces are characterised by an aesthetic that evokes classical architecture, while combining high quality materials such as wool, silk and technological textiles from recycling.

In the women's collection, shine becomes the seductive language that underlines elegance, while in the men's collection, comfort is presented as the true seduction, without renouncing sophistication. Mirage's aim is to provoke an emotional connection in those who appreciate authenticity and individuality in their personal style.

The dresses, with a romantic spirit, dialogue with sensuality through the delicacy of transparencies and a vibrant colour palette. The collection, as a whole, is an advanced fashion vocabulary that celebrates diversity, creativity and personal freedom.

Image gallery
