Winners of the 6th Matelec Innovation and Energy Efficiency Awards.

We are pleased to announce that the solutions offered by Circutor in the Electrical Installation category and Orbis Tecnología Eléctrica in Lighting and Illumination have been recognised with an award from Matelec and AFME.
On the third day of the event, which is organised in collaboration with AFME, MATELEC, the International Trade Fair for the Electrical and Electronics Industry, held the 6th Innovation and Energy Efficiency Awards ceremony. The companies Circuitor and Orbis Tecnología Eléctrica have been presented with these awards in recognition of their contributions to technological development and sustainability in the energy sector.
In the electrical installation category, Circuitor has presented PVing Charge, an innovative solar canopy with battery support that uses 100% solar power energy. The award was presented by Francesc Acín, president of AFME. Solutions presented by Jung Electro Ibérica and Orbis Tecnología Eléctrica were finalists in this category.
Eduard Sarto, Executive President of ADIME, presented the award to the Orbis Tecnología Eléctrica product in the Lighting and Illumination category for its XEO LUM + Telemanagement System, which operates in the XEO LUM 4G lighting and switchboard control system. Furthermore, as finalists in this category, there were Finder Eléctrica and Zennio.
Twenty exhibiting companies have submitted their candidacy for these awards, which are organised by Matelec and AFME. The awards recognise the efforts and investments of manufacturers in innovation and design, as well as improvements in efficiency in the product itself or the installation, which apply sustainability criteria.
Un total de 20 empresas expositores han presentado sus candidaturas para estos premios organizados por Matelec y AFME que ponen en valor los esfuerzos e inversiones de los fabricantes en innovación y diseño, valorando las mejoras en la eficiencia en el propio producto o la instalación, aplicando criterios de sostenibilidad.