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23 July 2019

OPPLE will show its intelligent Smart Lighting system at MATELEC LIGHTING

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The firm has developed a system to make its features and benefits affordable.

OPPLE has developed a totally new system so that the features and benefits of Smart Lighting are affordable, which can be seen at MATELEC LIGHTING. The OPPLE Smart Lighting system is characterised by its very simple installation: the lighting fixtures can be hung from the ceiling and connected directly to the grid, right out of the box.

Then, all you have to do is install and configure them with the free OPPLE Smart Lighting app (for Android and iOS). There is no need for cables, bushings, cable glands, servers or controllers; everything is included in the LED driver in the lighting fixture, and communicates directly with your Smartphone or tablet. As indicated by the company, “anyone can use it, experts are not needed!”

The first products in this “smart” family are the Performer Fine LED Panel, LED Performer Downlight, a Wireless Motion Detector and a wireless wall switch. In addition, all these smart products can be controlled with the OPPLE Smart Lighting app.

More information at MATELEC LIGHTING and on