An excellent start for LIBER 2023

LIBER will be held from 4 to 6 October at the Madrid Trade Fair Centre.
To date, more than 250 companies have confirmed their presence, a figure that already puts this edition above the total representation reached in 2021, the last edition held in Madrid.
Madrid will once again be the stage for the largest Spanish-language publishing exhibition as it will be hosting LIBER, International Book Fair. This will be the 41st time the event has taken place. The exhibition is organised by IFEMA MADRID and promoted by the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds. It will take place from 4 to 6 October. With more than four decades of history, the exhibition provides a space for notable and leading Spanish-language publishing houses, whose attendance has helped establish LIBER’s recognition, and is the principal centre for business and industry professionals to exchange ideas.
Although we are still in the fair's marketing phase, participation expectations for LIBER 2023 are excellent and everything points to the fair being able to offer attendees a panorama of today’s publishing industry. So far 250 companies have confirmed their attendance at this year’s exhibition and will be spread across 160 stands. The number of confirmed attendees already makes this a bigger event than last year’s in terms of exhibiting companies. Some of the big publishing houses confirmed to be at LIBER will be Penguin Random House, Planeta, Anaya, ... We are also seeing a return to the fair of many publishing houses who have not exhibited since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Asociación de Editores de Madrid [Madrid Publishers’ Guild] will be present at LIBER 2023 with 50 of its members confirming their attendance at the fair. Other publishing guilds from Spain’s Autonomous Communities will also be present including Gremi d’Editors de Catalunya (Catalonia), Gremio de Editores de Euskadi (Basque Country), la Asociación de Editores de Andalucía (Andalusia), la Associació d’Editorials del País Valenciá (Community of Valencia), la Asociación Galega de Editoras (Galicia), and the Gremio de Editores de Castilla y León (Castile and León), among others. 20 religious publishing houses, who are well revered for their work, will also be present.
Self-publishing companies, representatives involved in digitalisation of logistics, multimedia production companies and, in general, representatives from the whole servicing sector in the publishing industry will have a dedicated zone at the LIBER International Book Fair. There will also be institutional representation from the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport and the Ministry for the Presidency, Parliamentary Relations and Democratic Memory. The event will also serve to strengthen commercial and cultural relations with Poland, which will be the Guest Country of Honour at this year’s event. Poland will make a special display at LIBER to disseminate and promote the Polish publishing industry in Spain. 20 publishing houses from Poland will represent the country’s noteworthy authors and publishers and will host a professional programme of presentations and debates.
In addition to the in-person event, the digital platform LIBER LiveConnect will be active for a year and will focus on extending the fair’s reach in terms of both time and its audience. Content will be made available with complementing communication and networking opportunities beyond the event dates.
About LIBER 2023
LIBER’s 41st book fair will fully represent the dynamics of the publishing industry with publishing houses, distributors, literary agents, media production companies, suppliers, professional associations, service companies, etc. all being present. This is the fair’s main attraction for authors, booksellers, illustrators, and other publishing industry professionals.
Organised by IFEMA MADRID and promoted by the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds, LIBER 2023 is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Sport, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, Comunidad de Madrid, Ayuntamiento de Madrid and Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos (CEDRO). It also benefits from the collaboration of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Madrid Publishers’ Guild.