An interview with Ana Isabel Chinarro Pérez, General Manager of DingoNatura
(Activity/Product/Service: Pet Foods)
How long have you been working in the pet sector?
Since 1993.
How many times have you exhibited at Iberzoo Propet?
With DingoNatura, 22 or 23 times.
A new expanding market you think is interesting?
South America.
How would you sum up the Spanish brand image in the pet care sector?
I wouldn't say there is a Spanish brand.
What would you like to say to dog owners who walk their dogs in the streets?
The same as I would say to the people who walk in the streets: to be respectful of others.
And administrations?
They should take seriously the fact that dogs and cats have long been the responsibility of citizens as companions.
Do you think that people ought to do a course before acquiring a pet?
It is essential that they receive quality information about what pet ownership entails.
Do you have a pet, or have you had a pet in the past?
I don’t have one now, but I have done in the past.
Buy or adopt?
Buy and adopt. The problem is pet abandonment. So, buy or adopt, but don't abandon them.
Should veterinary medications be sold by veterinarians or only in pharmacies, as has been the case to date?
Any business that complies with the legal requirements should be able to carry out this lucrative business.
Should retailers and pet shops be allowed to sell all kinds of pets, including dogs and cats?
They should sell what they are allowed to sell by law. In my opinion, the important thing is the conditions in which these animals are kept, wherever they may be; it is also important to consider that not all species of animals make suitable pets.
Do you consider your pet a member of the family?
I did when I had it, yes.
Are they included in photos of family celebrations?
Of course!
Would you like to have more than one pet at home?
I’d like to be able to have one, but my lifestyle makes it inadvisable.
Do you think there are enough dog parks, and they are in good condition?
No, they are patently inadequate.