Enrique Martínez Marín, president of SEGITTUR
In this interview for Global Mobility Call, the president stated the importance of the sustainability axis within the smart destinations model as a necessity for the benefit of destinations, citizens and tourists.
1. What role do you believe that tourism activities play in contributing to a more sustainable mobility?
A major portion of tourism transportation currently depends greatly on fossil fuels, which are a source of CO2 emissions. Distances in trips and the choice of transportation are key elements that can contribute towards a more sustainable mobility.
We as tourists can also exercise our influence, with our actions, to achieve more sustainable mobility, using more sustainable transportation methods and travelling shorter distances.
Summarising, all agents participating in the tourism industry, destinations, companies and tourists, bear a responsibility to contribute towards sustainable mobility.
2. When talking about tourism and sustainability, much reference is made to traveller transportation but, specifically, what are technology and tourism innovation contributing to this effort?
Technology has allowed for new transportation methods to destinations, which are essential to mobility becoming more sustainable. We must also point out that innovation will contribute to airlines reducing their emissions, while other transportation such as cruise liners will reduce their environmental footprint. Technology and innovation are leverage that leads to change.
3. SEGITTUR has projects on smart destinations, what influence do they have on a more sustainable activity? Do they influence mobility directly or indirectly?
SEGITTUR works with tourism destinations in their conversion to smart tourism destinations, where one of the main lines is a commitment to sustainability. Within sustainability, we are also working towards mobility being sustainable, alternative transport being used and reduced CO2 emissions.
4. More public-private alliances are being proposed at Global Mobility Call, how can they contribute more for the tourism sector?
At SEGITTUR we are proponents of public-private collaboration in all areas of tourism activity. There should be more public policies designed and developed by the government agencies and destination managers, that promote a more sustainable tourism model, where mobility is one of the key elements, because it is one of the areas of activity that generates the most CO2 emissions.
5. Global Mobility Call is a multi-industry event that covers all activities pertaining to mobility, what opportunities does SEGITTUR see in joining this sustainable transformation process?
Sustainable mobility, as seen in the sustainability pillar within the model of smart tourism destinations, is not an opportunity but a necessity, because we must all become aware that this transformation is essential and will benefit destinations, citizens and tourists.