The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda leads the institutional backing for Global Mobility Call

Organised by IFEMA MADRID and Smobhub, Global Mobility Call will be held from the 14 to 16 June 2022 at the Exhibition Centre, under the auspices of the MITMA.
Mobility sector agents such as automotive manufacturers, new mobility companies, power companies, public administrations and social representatives will be participating in the congress.
The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) leads the institutional backing for Global Mobility Call, the major IFEMA MADRID and Smobhub event, that will be an international reference to boost the sustainable mobility model and will bring together agents from all of the areas involved in this transformation.
IFEMA MADRID and the MITMA, acknowledging the global challenge entailed by sustainable mobility in the immediate future and the right conditions for holding a far-reaching sustainable mobility event, within the framework of their respective competences, formalised an agreement to promote this congress, to be held from the 14 to 16 June 2022.
It will host public institutions, renowned speakers and national and international companies, in alignment with the United Nations 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the mobility goals established by the European Union in its EU Next Generation instrument, the basic principles of the Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility Strategy 2030, and themes such as the demographic challenge, connectivity, digitalisation and the Zero-Emission mobility goal.
This is a major event that combines Congress and Exhibition formats, with in-person and virtual attendance, where the exhibition stands are organised around the five main themes that reflect the industry’s priorities: New Urban Planning will approach the new urban models for energy efficiency, mobility and connectivity, focusing on citizens; Economic Development & Regulation will focus on the economic boost based on new public-private cooperation frameworks, corporate ecosystems and regulatory frameworks; Sustainable Transportation will focus on the challenges of multimodal transportation, planning and the best solutions; Tech, Data & Innovation will discuss the new technologies on infrastructure, data, automation and new services; and Future Society proposes a public global agenda to face the new emerging demographic and social challenges.
“es.movilidad”, the MITMA’s far-reaching strategy
As part of the agreement, the MITMA promotes participation in the Global Mobility Call by companies linked to its structure, it supports internationalisation among European and international institutions with competences on the matter, it helps in defining content and participants in the congress, and provides economic, technical and institutional backing for the event.
Global Mobility Call is aligned with the principles of the Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility Strategy 2030, “es.movilidad”. The Mobility Strategy is a roadmap designed by the MITMA to respond to the challenges in mobility and transportation posed by the 21st century, among these the fight against climate change, the advent of new technologies and demographic trends, within a context of post-pandemic recovery with changes in mobility habits.
The Strategy also understands mobility as a right, an element for social cohesion and economic growth therefore it aims to provide solutions to people’s actual mobility problems, as well as to guarantee an efficient, sustainable and resilient transportation and logistics system.
The Mobility Strategy identifies priorities that go beyond the supply of new transportation infrastructures, such as responding to daily mobility needs, investing in digitalisation and innovation, progressing in maintenance and conservation, committing to intermodality, and improving safety and resilience against crises, encouraging those initiatives that generate the highest social benefits.
Success in the implementation of new mobility requires governance instruments under the principles of collaboration, cooperation and coordination among the various Administrations and instruments of participation by the agents involved.
Rural mobility
Rural mobility is one of the main initiatives comprised in the event’s programme, which will approach mobility as a key element for developing Spain's rural areas, with joint collaboration between the MITMA and MITECO.
Trade fair experience and prestige for a new mobility
IFEMA MADRID, nationally and internationally renowned for its 40 years’ experience organising trade fairs and events, has long worked in the field of mobility, developing various congresses and shows in areas such as cars, motorbikes, buses, the components industry and smart traffic management.
Notable is its commitment to public information and discussion, as well as to society’s involvement in the international discussion on the transformation of mobility, with the participation of agents such as power companies, automotive manufacturers, new mobility companies, authorities and governments, and society representatives, who must be part of this transition.
GMC is one of the most ambitious projects, as it involves industrial sectors that are immersed in developing sustainable mobility. The goal is for the main innovative elements, solutions and various proposals for progress in this transformation to be presented by the creators and developers of these ideas themselves.