Andrés de León
UN desapf’2014 projects 67.1 trillion passenger kilometers on mass transit by 2050.
Cutting-edge technologies are creating opportunities to transform mobility by enabling innovative business models and mobility services for new and changing customer demographics. Can future mobility modes help expand and diversify revenue streams and improve customer experience in the mobility sector?
Meet the speakers who will speak on the Itinerary of Technology and Innovation.
Connectivity | Cloud | Edge Computing | 5g | Lidar | Gps | Mapping | Blockchain | AI | ADAS | ITC | ITS – | VTOL | ATM | Hyperloop | Hypersonic | Open Payment | MaaS | Data Analytics | Trade-Tech | Innovation | Cybersecurity ||Open Data| Intermodal | Metaverse | Autonomous Driving | Trucks | Smart City Tech | ADAS | Infotainment | Electronics | Software | Fintech | Parking | Urban Space | Drones