The meeting point for fruit and vegetable professionals from all over the world
Fruit Attraction has become the commercial tool of reference for the worldwide marketing of fruit and vegetables. Its capacity to promote the sector's worldwide exports makes it the commercial connection point for all the professionals that make up the entire value chain, as well as having consolidated itself as a framework for innovation in the fruit and vegetable market.

Fruit Attraction is BUSINESS
Fruit Attraction has become the indispensable sales component for worldwide distribution in terms of planning your campaigns for next year, seeing as it is held in October, a key point in the supply and demand cycle for fresh products, and due to its geographical location in Southern Europe, which strategically positions the trade show as a gateway to Europe from Latin America.
It is a major platform and meeting point for fruit and vegetable operators to create solid business relationships and open up new opportunities in new markets.
More than 90% of the exhibitors and 95% of visitors are annual repeats; which is why Fruit Attraction has consolidated its position as one of the main world events in the fruit and vegetables sector.
Beside the irreplaceable attributes of face-to-face, Fruit Attraction launched Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect, a digital platform that strength and complement them with new functionalities that can reinforce each other contact management, networking, products and services catalogue , e-meetings, video calls, sectorial content.

Fruit Attraction is INNOVATION
Fruit Attraction is the place chosen by fruit and vegetable companies to present their innovations, products, varieties and added services to the international distribution channel.
The cutting edge of the sector on an international level can be found in the Innovation Hub space at Fruit Attraction.
In this area, the fair hosts the Innovation Hub Awards, which have become a fundamental event for supporting the sector's entrepreneurial business commitment.
At Fruit Attraction 2024, 40 products were presented in three different categories: Fresh Produce, Auxiliary Industry and Quality and Commitment Actions. A specialised professional jury made a selection of 9 finalist products: taking into account criteria of applicability, innovation, environmental sustainability and short-term value proposition.

Fruit Attraction is DIVERSITY
IFEMA MADRID, will host the variety of fruit and vegetable products brought from different parts of the world by the companies exhibiting in the:
New this year is the Innova&Tech area, which will bring together the Biotech Attraction and Smart Agro sectors and will be a space for companies involved in innovation, research and technological development in plant genomics.

Fruit Attraction is DIVERSITY
A point of reference for the professionals throughout the entire supply chain:
Fresh Produce Area:
- Fresh fruits
- Fresh vegetables
- Aromatic herbs and spices
- Ranges IV and V
- Nuts Hub
- Ecorganic market
- Transformed produce (frozen, preserved, concentrated, dehydrated goods etc.)
- Organisations and associations
- Nurseries
Auxiliary Industry Area:
- Seeds
- Fertilisers, agro-nutrients, phytosanitary products
- Pre-harvest
- Transport and logistics
- Packaging and labelling
- Post-harvest
- Smart Agro (ICT applied to the fruit and vegetable sector)
- Point of sale
- Ecorganic market
- Services (consultants, certification companies, financial entities, temporary employment agencies, training etc.)
- Biotech (research and technological development in plant genomics)

Fruit Attraction is KNOWLEDGE
Fruit Attraction is a space for debate and exchange of knowledge about the latest developments in the sector.
An extensive programme of technical sessions and sector events characterised by the high level of the participants and speakers, who will highlight the importance of innovation, technology, knowledge, etc.: Innova Forum, Cooking shows, etc.

Fruit Attraction is INSPIRATION
Ideas, solutions and unique experiences to keep your business growing into the future.

Fruit Attraction is CONNECTION
At Fruit Attraction, relationships are built and enriched to generate links and weave future projects. The place to connect interests, challenges, concerns, knowledge...